Six(6) ways on how to get over a breakup.asap

1.Rebuild your self-esteem
If your partner was the one who initiated the break-up, it’s common to start picking apart your physical appearance and personality traits, questioning what areas you’re lacking in that would cause someone to fall out of love with you. Focus on what you really value in yourself and what you brought to the relationship, rather than what qualities you don’t possess,Write a list and think of traits that speak to your character, emotional strengths, skillsets, abilities, and any other quality that has value in a relationship.”
2. Take yourself out
Atleast once a week, find a coffee shop or a restaurant you've never been to, and invite at least one friend to go with you, The goal is to break up your usual routine and get away from the places that you’d always go to with your former partner.
3. Take a realistic walk down memory lane
When your mind eventually wanders and you start reminiscing about all the good times you two had, you’re likely forgetting to factor in the bad part. Acknowledge the hurt and understand that being a responsible person means dealing with it. Be willing to go into the pain.”In other words, make it a point to introduce the negative stuff, because your mind will only reinforce the positive. Keep the picture real.”
4. Socialize with friends
Telling the story of your breakup can be cathartic, especially if you're sharing it with a friend who have also gone through a similar experience. But if it continues to be the only topic of conversation for weeks afterward, it could be detrimental to your recovery process. "If you continue to lament about the relationship, you can become trapped in your story,You may find yourself in victim mode and have trouble moving on." Tell the story once, then seek guidance from your friend to help you move forward.
5.Take note of what you learned from the relationship
Taking note of what you've learned from a relationship not only reinforces reasons why you weren't a good fit but helps give you a better picture of the type of partner you're most compatible with. Spend a healthy amount of time in self-reflection so that you can examine what it truly is that you didn’t like about your ex,it will make you have a better picture of wat you want in the future.
6.Practice gratitude.
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy even while mourning the loss of your relationship.When you spend your day looking for something positive , your mood and overall outlook changes for the better,You spend more time appreciating the beauty of the world around you and less time focusing on the breakup."
Hope this tips helps you get over your breakup asap.


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