Story time : The Betrayal Episode 4

The betrayal 

The Betrayal 
Episode 4
Cheating is a deception for profit to oneself. Mason was surprised, "I can't believe I just cheated on Charlotte", he said to himself. Few minutes later, his phone began to ring, when he checked  who the caller was, he saw it was Charlotte calling, his heart skipped, he became scared, "Hey, why is she calling?" He said to himself as he stared at the phone. "Am sorry for what just happened now, I have to go", he said to Evelyn as he quickly dressed up to leave, Evelyn let out a smile, "Don't worry, Your secret is safe with me", She said. Mason took a glance at her when he heard what she said, Evelyn smiled back at him. 

Mason left Evelyn's place, and drove home. when he got home, he quickly called Charlotte. "Hello baby, sorry I didn't pick your call, I was at the bathroom", he said, "It's alright, I just wanted to know if you've given the purse to Evelyn", Charlotte said, "Yes,  thanks baby, we will talk tomorrow", he said as he ended the call in a hurry. "What's wrong with him, he couldn't even wait for me to say goodnight to him too", She said as she placed her phone on the table. 

Mason thought of what happened between himself and Evelyn. "God, I can't believe I just cheated on Charlotte with Evelyn, what came over me, I couldn't even resist her, what if Charlotte finds out", he thought to himself, "No, she won't, Evelyn won't say anything to her", he said again. Alot of things were going through Mason's mind, at some point he regretted it. "I just hope she won't mention anything to Charlotte", he said. 

The next day, Charlotte, and Evelyn meet at work. Evelyn was looking happier than ever before. "Evelyn, you look excited than before, Why?",  Charlotte curiously asked, "Nothing, I think I just found love", Evelyn said, "That is a good thing", Charlotte said, "Thank you", Evelyn said. 

Later in the evening, Mason went to visit Charlotte, she was surprised when she saw him at her house. "Hey babe, I wasn't expecting you, and you didn't call to tell me you were coming?", Charlotte said in surprised, "Yes, I really missed you, so, that's why I came here to see you myself". The reason behind his unexpected visit to Charlotte house wasn't because he missed her, he was scared, and wanted to be sure Evelyn didn't mention anything Charlotte. "You saw me yesterday", Charlotte said, "Yes, so how is Evelyn?", he asked, "She is fine, we talk today, and she said something to me", she said, "Something?", he said with fear in his tone, "Yes, she is in love, and am happy for her", Charlotte said. Mason took a deep sigh of relief, "That's good, am happy for her too", he said as he smiled. 

Soon Mason left Charlotte's house, and drove home. On his way home, he was very happy. "Thank God she didn't say anything", Mason muttered to himself with excitement as he drove home. 

When he got home, he sighted someone that looks like Evelyn standing outside his gate. As he drew closer, he saw it was Evelyn, he was shocked, and immediately his urge for sex was stirred up. "Evelyn, what are you doing here?", Mason asked as he got down from his car, "I want to see you", she said, "Why, what happened?", he asked, "I just missed you, you were good last night", She said as she smiled, "Thank you for not saying anything to Charlotte", he said, "You need to thank me properly inside your room", she said. Mason became confused, he couldn't resist her because he also wanted it.

Mason, and Evelyn went inside. Immediately, they got undressed, and had sex that they both enjoyed.

Two week later, things began to change between Charlotte, and Mason, he hardly spend time with her. Whenever she complains he blames it on work, and promised to make it up to her but he never did. Charlotte began worried, and scared, "I don't want to lose Mason, I love him so much", she said to Evelyn, "How do you mean?", Evelyn asked, "Look, we don't spend time with each other like we used to, and it's been long he tired asking me for sex", Charlotte said bitterly, "You should be happy he no longer ask you for sex is that not what you've been praying for?", Evelyn said, "Yes, but it's unlike him, look, he doesn't allow me to give him a peck, am so worried", she said, "Please don't be, I think he has finally accept your policy", Evelyn said, "Are you Sure?" Charlotte asked, " yes", Evelyn replied, "Thank you, so tell me, who is this guy that I don't know, and when do I get to meet him?", Charlotte asked, "No..... I mean yes, soon", Evelyn said. 

The next day after work, Charlotte decided to go to Evelyn's home. When she arrived at Evelyn's home, Evelyn was in the kitchen cooking. They both greeted each other, Charlotte sat down on the cushion, and Evelyn left to the kitchen to continue her cooking. Charlotte was watching a movie, when Evelyn's phone began to ring. "Your phone is ringing", Charlotte shouted, "Okay, please who is the caller?" Evelyn asked, "private", Charlotte said, "Alright, answer the call before it stops ringing", Evelyn said, "Alright", Charlotte said as she unplugged the phone, and answered it. "Hello", she said, just then Evelyn remember she saved Mason's contact as "Private", she quickly ran out of the kitchen, and shouted Charl my phone.................

   Written by Esther alex 

Note: A New story for sale coming out soon, don't miss out on it. Get Ready to purchase 

See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

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