Every lady wants a man that possess good qualities,there are lot of things a man should have, that's why you hear ladies saying he is not my type, he does he the few things I want in a man. When a lady use such words, she is not been pride for setting standard on who she wants to date, rather is dating who suits a lifestyle and who is good enough for her. As a lady who sets standards,you have to ensure you are up to your standards,like you can't be wanting a hard work man when you are lazy, it does work that way. As a man who can't figure out if he possess what a lady wants in a man I was discussing with some ladies to share their view on what they wants in a man, I observed that they were all describing almost the same thing. Here are some things a lady wants in a man 1.A dapper man. 2.The understanding man. 3.The social man. 4.The romantic man. 5.The faithful man. 6.The Godfearing man. 7.The...