They are something you need to know about dating a guy. 
   Remember the really cute guy who said he would call but didn't? Maybe he is not that into you. 

When a guy isn't calling you, you should move on, take ownership of your relationship and stop waiting for a guy that won't call.

   Things you need to know about dating and relationships 
1.Dont throw yourself at every person who shows interest. 
 Not everyone who shows interest has your interest at hand or the best interest for you. Yes, you can be trying to date any guy that comes to ask you out just because you are looking for Mr Right. you are not been good to yourself, love yourself, stop worrying about anything,just be happy,because in the process of being happy something good might just come. 

2.Dont force yourself into a relationship.
 When you are into someone and he doesn't want to court you,you shouldn't force a relationship between you and him,just because you feel you need him. You are not being true to yourself and the guy, rather you are preventing you and him from meeting the right one and having the best relationship down the road. 

3.Demand isn't the best answer 
    As a lady you want to settle down with your partner, and your partner doesn't, he is a wonderful and faithful guy but thinks he is just not ready to give in to marriage.So because you give him a demand,you both split up and later you really miss him and felt like you shouldn't have split up with him cuz you love him. Hey listen, am not saying you should continue dating someone who doesn't want to get married ,but what am trying to say is that you both should have solved it with therapy or discussion not making demands because demanding means you are thinking about youself.

    People who cheat or lie dont deserve your attention. 
   Love yourself, wait for the right one, and don't cheat on your partner. 
    By Esther alex 

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Follow on facebook @ Eneada Esther Ogaba


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