Who is a side lady? A side lady means the "other lady"i.e the number two lady. Some get to be the other lady unknownly,while others deliberately go into it for material things. 

   In this our modern world today, it can be difficult to tell if you are a side lady,because some men has mastered the skills of deciet.
  A lady can be dating a guy for a long time only to discover that she has been the side lady.
   Here are signs that shows you are a side lady(side chick) 

1.He restricts you from touching his phone. 
2.The way he handles his phone. 
3.He will not want to be seen with you in public. 
4.You guys only hangs out in hotels, your place or his friend's place. 
5.He only communicate well with you when you are together in bed. 
6.He will never get personal with you. 
7.He won't save your contact in his phone. 
8.He only calls when he needs you. 
9.He could stay for days without calling you. 

 By Esther alex 

  Follow on facebook page @ Esther alex personal page 
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