Relationship quote

Words on marble The best and most beautiful thing in the world can't be touched Love is indeed something beautiful,but u might doubt me when I say not everyone sees it. Why so, because not everyone believes in love that why they takes it for granted . When we open our heart to love, it fills us with a sense of connection, belonging and kindness, a sense of responsibility and that not a beautiful thing? So many of us would do nothing rather than to open our hearts to love, because of the fear of vulnerability. love is feeding our deepest needs for meaning, purpose, light and connection. Love is a powerful way to bring more trust, honesty, and more of you into any relationship. These are what build a stronger foundation for a happier and authentic life. There is nothing more beautiful than love. Finding love is the best thing in life. A man who finds a wife finds a good thing. Those are the word of King Solomon. For inst...