They are some type of relationship,thats why you have to make sure you are in the right relationship that you want. 

This is the type of relationship that involves two serious people only, where the both are been faithful to each other, not more than two people. No side chick or cock. 

This kind of relationship that involves more than two people,were they cheat on each other, and keeps it a secret from each other. 

This is a relationship were both are just friends, they are courting but benefits from each other. 

It is a relationship were they are emotionally attached to each other, the feelings is not there, no benefits but just friends with each other. 

This is a relationship were they are not emotionally attached to each other, no feelings, but have sex with each other when ever they feel horny.

This a relationship were everything they do is open, they keep no secret, they are free to go out with other lovers with the knowledge of their partner. They don't hide anything. 

This is a relationship that is based on distance were both partner are not close to each other but always connect on phone, because they are separated by distance but keep loving each other without seeing for one or more months. 
 Now I guess you know where you belong to, which of the relationship are you going into and the one that suit you. 

By Esther alex 
Follow on facebook page @Esther alex personal blog page 
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