How to get through rough patch in a relationship
The beginning of a new relationship is always beautiful and romantic.Its filled with good things like sex,passionate kiss,long talks about your dreams and hope.But eventually as times goes on,the good times slowly fades away and you start getting tired and bored of the relationship because they will b argument between you what are you suppose to at that point?........Quit?.......or Try to work things out?.........
     Here are ways on how to get through rough patch in a relationship
1.Don't pretend like everything is fine.
2.Reach for the same goal.
3.Don't be scared of change.
4.Reminisce (recall)the good time and moment.
5.Seek for help and advice.
6.Figure out the perspective.
7.Be straight and forward.and lastly
8.Be appreciative.
          Relationship fails  because both parties give up on each other at the same time.Even if just one person keeps fighting, there is a chance that things will definetly work out in no time.A rough patch is never the end of the road in a relationship, but rather its a learning experience that makes couple more stronger and closer.
       By Esther Alex
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