Story time : A Forgiven Heart episode 6(second to last)

A forgiven Heart 

A Forgiven Heart
Episode 6(second to last) 
Doris continued going out with Raymond. The next morning, Doris went to work, feeling very confused. Let me call Christabel, that girl has been so helpful to me, I don't know what to do anymore, she said to herself, and brought out her phone to make the call. Hello, friend, she said to Christabel, How are you? She asked, Am not fine, I really need to see you, Doris said, What's wrong? Christabel asked, It's Raymond, Doris said, Am on my way to meet a client, when I get back, I will come see you, Christabel said, and ended the call. Few hours later, Christabel arrived at Doris's store. What's wrong? Christabel asked, Raymond! He just won't let me go, Doris said in a sad tone, Why? Christabel asked, He made me go to his place thinking he was going to end everything we had, but we ended up having sex, Doris said, Woaw, My friend, you like this dude, Christabel said, No, Not that, Can you imagine he told me he loves me more than the way Charles does, and he wants me to divorce Charles, Doris said, That guy really loves you oh, Christabel said laughing, Divorce Charles na, Christabel said, Am not joking, I don't know what to do, Doris said, Do you love him, Christabel said, Who? Doris asked, Raymond of course, Christabel said, I don't know, but Last night, Charles tried having sex with me but I stopped him, I don't know why? Doris said, Look my friend, you can keep him to always satisfy you when your husband is out of town, Christabel said, No I can't, Doris replied, they is no harm in doing it, beside Charles also do the same, Christabel said, and Doris became speechless. 

That night, Doris arrived home late again. What happened, why are you late? Charles asked, I was so busy, sorry am late again, Doris said, It's okay, but please don't stress yourself out, okay? Charles said, Thank you, I feel so tired, Doris said, Don't worry I will give you a massage, Charles said, Thank you love, you are so caring, Are the kids asleep? Doris asked as they walked upstairs, Yes, Charles replied. After the massage, Charles slept off. Doris was surprise that Charles didn't try to make love to her, Maybe he is tired, She said to herself. 

One week later, things began to change in the life of Doris, she hardly had time for her family, she was spending time with Raymond, and began to fall in love with him gradually. Maybe I should file for a divorce just as he said, she said to herself one day. 

One day, Doris went to visit Christabel. Am beginning to like Raymond, Doris said, What! So quick? Christabel shouted, Yes, Doris replied, Is it because of the way he makes love to you? Christabel asked, Not really, I like him, He always has my time, unlike Charles who likes travelling, she said, Is Charles out of town? No, he haven't travelled since the time he returned, Doris said, That's good, hope he has made love to you? Christabel asked, No, since the last time, I refused making love to him, he haven't asked for it again, Doris said, How will you guys now have a baby, Christabel asked, I don't think I want to have another child with him, Doris said,  How do you mean? Christabel asked, Don't worry, you will find out soon, Doris said, Okay, Christabel replied. Doris refused to tell Christabel about her plan to file for a divorce, she wanted it to come as a surprise to Christabel. 

Charles was begining to see signs that is wife was cheating on him, but he ignored all the signs, and continued to love her the more. One morning, they were having breakfast when Amy said to her dad, Dad! You haven't travel Why? Amy said, Honey, I want to spend time with your mom, and sister, so, I won't be traveling for now, Charles said, and Doris looked at him, And Mom! You no longer have time for me, and princess, you no longer bring us back from school, Amy said again, Amy we are eating, Charles said, Mom is just too busy these days, Don't you want your Dad to bring you back from school? Doris said, and Charles looked at her, Amy eat, you don't want to be late for school, Charles said. 

One Sunday afternoon, Doris was watching movie with her family when Amy looked at her, and say, Mom! Are you sick, she said, Am fine, Why? Doris asked, You look sick, Amy said, and Charles looked at Doris, Amy am not sick, and you talk too much, Doris said. Am not sick, I know I feel feverish, but am not sick, I will go to the clinic tomorrow, she said within herself. That evening, she went to visit Raymond. Baby, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Doris said, Raymond laughed so loud, But you are married, he said, She was about to say something when her phone began to ring. When she checked who the caller was, it was her secret lawyer who was helping her with the divorce process. Oh! She said, and answered the phone, Come to my office tomorrow morning, your divorce papers are ready, the lawyer said, Thank you, she said, and ended the call. She was smiling when Raymond asked her what the was happening, Don't worry, I have a surprise for you, and you will see it tomorrow, she said, Okay, He replied.

Doris arrived home late that night. Where are you coming from? You don't work on Sundays, Charles said, I went to do some important work, Doris said, Important work? Charles asked, please am so exhausted, I have to sleep now, she said, okay, Charles said. I know you are cheating on me, but I can't let that person destroy my family, Charles said to himself. 

The next day, Doris quickly went to see the lawyer before going to the hospital. Here are the divorce papers, get your husband to sign it, and you are free, the lawyer said as he handed the papers over to Doris, thank you sir, she said, then she left. Few hours later, she arrived at the hospital. Doris explained how she's feeling to the doctor, OK Ma, I think you are pregnant, the doctor said, Really! Doris asked, yes, but we still have to carryout the test on you to be sure, the doctor said. Soon Doris blood sample was collected. Few minutes later, the doctor arrived, and handed over to Doris a brown envelope, congratulations, you are pregnant, the doctor said................

       By Esther alex 
See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode. 

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