Signs that shows he is no longer into you
Maybe you've been dating a guy for a while and you know he loves you,but all of a sudden he starting showing you some attitude and it looks like he is no longer into you.
   If you are thinking whether or not if he is into you the probably he isn't, because guys are not that complicated when it comes to women,love and dating they are pretty much open when it comes to what they want,and who they want to be with.
      Here are some signs that shows he is no longer into you

1.You feel it in your heart that something doesn't feel right.
2.He doesn't answer your calls or return them back.
3.He has lots of excuses for not having your time.
4.He is always busy when it comes to things pertaining you.
5.He stops giving you compliment.
6.He stops been romantic.
7.You're always making the first move.
8.He doesn't respond to your text in a timely matter or ignored them without explanation.
  Nobody deserves a heartbreak so when you notice all these things from your guy,just save yourself the heartache  and stress and back out

     By Esther Alex
Follow on Facebook page@Esther Alex personal page


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