How to make a long distance relationship last longer.
A long distance relationship is a intimate relationship between partners who are been separated from one another by in LDR face locational separation and lack of face to face contact.LDR are difficult and can last when both partners have trust on themselves and are able to put in the elbow grease.
This days,its hard to trust someone but when you trust yourself,things work out smoothly.
Here are ways on how to make a LDR last longer
1.Communicate regularly and creatively.
2.Know each other schedules I.e free time and working time.
3.Make some rules on when and how you will see each other.
4.Gift a personal object for the other person to hold on to.
5.Celebrate everything together I.e birthdays,festivals,independence etc.
6.Keep updates of each other's social media activities.
7.Enjoy your alone time,and your time with family and friends.
8.Talk dirty with each other.
9.See it as an opportunity to learn to trust yourself and as a test of your love and faithfulness.
10.Trust yourself and the love you have for your partner.

       By Esther Alex
    Follow on Facebook page @esther Alex personal page and on Facebook @Eneada Esther Ogaba


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