Signs that shows you are in an abusive relationship

        When talking about abuse,physical abuse is always the first that comes to mind.But abuse can come in different ways.

  Been in an abusive relationship feels like torture,but sometimes you mistake love for abuse because most times that you have been abused by your partner, your partner brainwash you,and feel sorry for what they did to you,and that act makes you feel like it was not your partner's fault, that all will be well.

   But if you are wondering whether its happening yo you,Here are signs that shows you are in an abusive relationship.
1.Always bringing up your past and judges you with it.
2.Controlling you and won't let you be yourself.
3.Brings you low or criticize you.
4.Looks at you or act in the way that scare you.
5.You always gets scare when you sees you partner.
7.Act jealous or possessive.
8.You finds it difficult to communicate with your partner.
9.Blames you for everything that happens.
10.Threaten to hurt you,and themselves if you leave.
11.Try to stop you from seeing,talking,and having friends.
12.Try to force you to have sex.
13.Hit,push, and slap you.
14.Not apologetic.
     By Esther Alex
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