Ways of been mature in a relationship

         Matured partner stays in love,immatured partner falls.
     Love is either wrong or right,playing games or forever.A partner is either mature or immature.
   Relationship is for matured partner that can understand the ups and downs,and still handle the stress,not  immatured partner that can't handle the ups and downs of a relationship because they believe relationship is full of roses.
 Here are some ways of been matured in a relationship
 1.Learn to value trust, respect and sincerity.
2.Learn to be patient with your partner.
3.Learn to always forgive and forget.
4.Learn to accept the fact that people aren't perfect.
5.Learn to be faithful and trustworthy.
6.Avoid listening to rumors.
7.Learn to always maintain communication with your partner.
8.Learn to always be an understanding partner.
9.Learn to look at things from your partner perspective.
10.Learn to be caring to your partner.
11.Learn to listen before judging your partner.
12.Learn to accept the fact that relationship can't be perfect.

      By Esther Alex

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