Things to do to make you man "stick" to you.....

           Do you know that they are things you need to for your man that will make him "stick" to you?.Most times you think giving him sex will keep him .
    Why not spoil your man a little, there is no place where it is written that spending is meant for men only.I know you will feel that am saying the wrong thing but I bet you to try spoiling your man a little and he will "stick" to you .
  Here are things to do to make your man "stick" to you every woman needs to know.......

1.Be romantic.
2.Take him out on a date.
3.Spend on him a little(I.e buy him clothes,shoes,wristwatch, or whatever he likes).
4.cook his favorite.
5.Always be there for him.
6.Appreciate him.
7.Learn his love pattern.
8.Dance to his tone.
9.Don't be controlling.
10.Don't get jealous.
11.Don't try changing him.
12.Give him space.
    When you do all this to him,he won't think of cheating on you,he will jxt "stick"to you and you alone.
          By Esther alex
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