Story time : A Forgiven Heart episode 6(second to last)
A forgiven Heart A Forgiven Heart Episode 6(second to last) Doris continued going out with Raymond. The next morning, Doris went to work, feeling very confused. Let me call Christabel, that girl has been so helpful to me, I don't know what to do anymore, she said to herself, and brought out her phone to make the call. Hello, friend, she said to Christabel, How are you? She asked, Am not fine, I really need to see you, Doris said, What's wrong? Christabel asked, It's Raymond, Doris said, Am on my way to meet a client, when I get back, I will come see you, Christabel said, and ended the call. Few hours later, Christabel arrived at Doris's store. What's wrong? Christabel asked, Raymond! He just won't let me go, Doris said in a sad tone, Why? Christabel asked, He made me go to his place thinking he was going to end everything we had, but we ended up having sex, Doris said, Woaw, My friend, you like this dude, Christabel said, No, Not that, Can you imagine he told ...
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