Cheating is not been faithful to your lover. 
Relationship is a state of connection between people(especially an emotional  connection). You can be having a beautiful bond I.e connection with your partner and suddenly an incident shatters you and leaves with lots of question in your head.One of the most commonly  problem  faced in relationship today is cheating, and this affects both the partners physical and mental  state. 
 People who have fallen victim  of cheating experience like"why me? Why did this always happen? Why can't I find a faithful partner? 
     Here are some reasons  that pushes the other  partner into cheating. 

1.Lack of communication. 
2.Lack of excitement. 
3.Falling out of love. 
4.Desire for better sex. 
5.Over busy schedule. 

6.Long distance bond. 
7.Falling for someone else. 
8.Seeking revenge. 
9.Lack of patience. 
10.Unsatisfactory emotional  support. 
11.Relationship based on lie. 
12.Resentment amongst the partners. 
  When your relationship  is having all this.then there is possibility  that your partner will cheat. 
  By Esther  alex
   Follow on facebook  @Eneada  Esther Ogaba 
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