How to get over a heartbreak quickly

   Having a heartbreak is never a good thing it makes you feel like you won't be able to love another or get another. Love takes time to heal but you can't speedup your recovery quickly it all depends on you just you alone. 
1.Never fight the pain:Always it is out, let it flow,pour it all out to someone that can help you share the pain that way you don't have to carry the pain alone when you let it all out you will feel a lite burden has been removed never keep all the pain inside you. 

2.Always remember Why that person left you for someone,dont just remember the lovely moments alone remember the pain also that way it will help you forget about that person. 

3.Work on yourself all over again, that is, try to love yourself more, always remind yourself every morning  how beautiful or handsome you are that person don't worth your tears or time. 

4.Spend time with friends,spend Alot of your time with family and friends,always have someone to keep you company and stay alone because by staying alone your mind must wander back to your hurt and your partner. 

5.Travel,go on short vocation if it calls for it don't lock up yourself inside and begin to cry yourself out. 

And lastly always be ready to let go of the pass pain and partner, be determine to move on and trust me when you take all this steps you will surely be all good and refreshed. 

      By Esther alex 
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