Relationship quote

Words on marble 

Most times I couldn't help but wonder why the human heart always want what they couldn't get, until I finally realized that who your heart truly wants might not want you also simply because you may not be the type of person they want, or they are not in love with you or want you back. 

Also have you ever wonder why those you don't want, but their heart will want you,  let me tell you, because that's not the type of person you want, and also your heart don't want them. 

So my dear when ever your heart wander to a place that it's not needed or couldn't get, don't think to much, just think of the time someone really wants you but couldn't get you simply because your heart don't need them. Console yourself because that is the circle of life. 

You can't always get whatever you want.
      By Esther alex 

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