Story time : the affair episode 2

The Affair
Episode 2
Sometimes, things are just bound to happen when we didn't plan for it or want it. Terrence wasn't aware that things was about to change. Terrence wouldn't believe his eyes when he saw Stacy lying nake beside him " oh God this must be a dream, hope I didn't" he muttered to himself, and immediately he woke Stacy up "get up what are doing here in my room, and hope we didn't he was still talking when Stacy began to cry, what did you do to me? She quickly got dress, and ran out of his room. Terrence was just numb, not knowing what to do, and was praying for all of be a dream but too bad because it was just so real. Terrence calmed himself down, and was trying to remember all that happened last night, but he couldn't get the clear picture of it, all he could remember was seeing himself making love with a lady.

The Next day, they all left the hotel, boarded a plane and left. Terrence couldn't stop thinking about the whole issue, when Stacy saw him she said to herself wow, am glad I did that, and it worked let's see how he will be able to run from me because I will always remind him of our affair she smiled. Stacy is a lady who could go to an extreme just to get what she wants. Will Stacy finally get what she wants? Let's find out. A few hours later, they finally arrived home, Terrence quick board a cab, and drove home before Stacy will get close to him. When Terrence arrived home he quickly took a bath, and went out to cool off. Stacy was at home feeling excited, and she decided to give Terrence a call, she called several times, but he refused answering. The next day, when he went to work, the manager congratulated him for a job well done. Terrence follow me to my office I have something for you "the manager said. Terrence followed him to his office, and the manager give him a brown envelope. Open it the manager said.guess what? Terrence opened it and saw his promotion letter, he was happy, you will go to your new office tomorrow, congrats he gave him a handshake, and Terrence left his office. Terrence was happy when he came out of the manager's office, with a smiling face, but immediately he saw Stacy he was sad again. After work hour, Stacy called him he refused answering at first until he finally answered" hello please am not yet in the mood, she burst into tears, please don't avoid me, remember you had an affair with me when he heard her said affair, he was angry, and ended the call.while on the other end Stacy just smiled. 

Weeks later, Terrence began to consider Stacy, he pitied her "maybe I should court her since she won't stop bringing up the issue of me having an affair with her, but it was all my fault how I wish I didn't get drunk that night, he said, and I don't want it to tarnish my reputation. Few minutes later, he called Stacy hello, can we meet tonight, I will send you an address, he ended the call. While Stacy smiled to herself, danced in joy. Later that evening Stacy was having a hard time picking up a dress because she wanted to look so good. She finally picked a purple gown, and went to the address Terrence sent to her. A few hours later, they both arrived at the bar stares at each other before they finally broke the silent at the same time, but he told her to go first, Terrence she said I know how this whole thing looks like,i am not trying to force myself on you, but Terrence you had sex with me, since we had that affair, she was still talking when he told her Stacy I have decided to make you my girlfriend, he said, She smiled, you  have saved me from my shame thank you, but within her she praised herself for a good job, and mission accomplished. 

Four years later, Terrence is now assistant manager, and has gone deep with Stacy. Their relationship was really growing so fast that Terrence finally gave in completely. Things were about to change in the life of Stacy and Terrence, but they had no idea. 
One fateful Evening, he was driving home from work, getting to his neighbourhood, his phone ran, because it was Stacy he didn't ignore the call, he was on phone with Stacy that he's didn't notice a little child with his mother on the road, and he was close to hitting the child when the lady scream "WATCHOUT mister" he quickly held the brake, stop his car, came out of the car, and quickly went to the child, am so sorry I didn't notice, please don't stay on phone while driving you almost hit my son she said, When she was leaving, he tried stopping her, but she ignored him. He couldn't help, but stared at her until she was out of sight, then he entered his car, and drove off. That evening he ended up thinking about the young lady, and her son, that lady is just too young, I really need to see her ,so I can apologize properly to that little boy he said. The next day after work he drove passed where he saw them, but they were not there. One fateful day, he told Stacy to go get some groceries from the Supermarket, but she pretended to be tired, and told him to go get it, which he agreed to. He went to the supermarket in his neighbourhood, but the place was locked, so he went to the one down the road. When Terrence entered the supermarket, shop for a few things, went to the cashier to pay when he got to the line, paid,and went to his car. He was about entering when he turned, and saw............... 
   By Esther alex 
   see you all tomorrow @6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode 

kindly like and follow my page @ Esther alex and on facebook @ Eneada Esther Ogaba


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