The Affair

The Affair 
Episode 1
When someone loves you, and you don't reciprocate that love, just because you don't love that person, try as much as possible to stay away from that person, because anything can happen anytime. Just like it happened in the life of a guy called Terrence.
 Terrence is a very hardworking young man, he works in a big firm, and he is from a good background. Terrence is a single guy, he has no intimate relationship with any lady so because of his good character ladies love him, but he never reciprocated their love, and they all give up their hopes on him except for one of his colleague called Stacy, she had tried all tactics to make Terrence fall for her but it was all in vain. Terrence and Stacy are good friends, so he refused developing any feelings for her, not that she isn't beautiful or not fully endowed, but he just refused courting her, and thought they were better as friends.

Few weeks later the manager of the company called all the staff for general meeting to inform them about a contract, when he briefed to them a little he handle over a brown envelope to four people, Terrence and Stacy were among the four persons, and he told them they have been selected to represent the company, “go through the papers carefully, and get back to me in two days time, we have no time” the manager said. When he was done and the meeting was dismissed he called Terrence, and said, see me in my office now. The manager was in his office when he heard a knock on the door, and he said come in, Terrence entered, and said Sir, I am here now, The manager smiled and said Terrence you are up for promotion, you will be in charge of this assignment, and when you win the contact, you will be promoted to assistant manager, Terrence was happy when he heard it, he thank the manager, and promise to do his best then he left. 

Few days later, those selected for the contract came to see the manager to give their review on the contract, when they were done, the manager made an announcement, and told them he has put Terrence in charge of the contract, so they will be travelling in two days time for the contract. They were all excited especially Stacy she saw it as her best chance to finally try her best luck to get Terrence. Is she going to succeed in getting Terrence? Or will she fail? We are going to find out soon. 

Two days later, they all travelled for the contract, when they got there, they went to the hotel the company has prepared for them. The contract meeting was the next day, they all took some rest so as to have a enough energy, and strength to be able convince the client. The night was really long that Stacy spent all night staring at the ceiling, and thinking of how to go about her plan to seduce Terrence.

The D-day final arrive, Terrence and his other colleague set off to meet their client, when they got there, they were welcomed, and in few minutes the meeting started, lucky Terrence were able to convince the client with a very go proposal, which they accepted to do business with his firm. Terrence was so happy not just because he won, but I guess you know why, because he will be promoted to assistant manager. 
Later that night, Terrence decided to treat his colleague, and they were having a good time, no one knows why he treated them, they all had no idea. They were so happpy for the contract , and were drinking that Terrence got so drunk, but he managed to take himself to his hotel room. Immediately he left, a female room service followed him to give hand over his wallet that fell off his pocket. Sir sir here is your wallet".That night the unexpected happened. Terrence ended up having an affair that he never planned or prepared for. The next morning when he woke up, he saw shocked at who he saw lying nake, and shouted What!..............
       By Esther alex 
see you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode 

kindly like and follow my page @ Esther alex,  and facebook @Eneada Esther Ogaba


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