The power of speech control in a relationship

  First of all before I proceed I will have to tell you the meaning of power and speech. 
Power means possession of controlling and Speech in the other means exchange of spoken words. 
    Back to my main gist, when you combine the two words and their meaning together you see you have controlling and spoken words I. e your speech possess controlling words, that is why it is very important for you to always choose the right words before speaking to someone especially in a relationship because a spoken words from you can make or break your relationship with your partner. 

   Like the saying goes they is power in the tongue, when you say the wrong words to your partner it can breakup your relationship. 

Mind you not all breakup is as a result of cheating,most of breakup is as a result of the way people talk with their partners, when you don't choose the right positive words on your partner it always have negative influence on the relationship. 

For instance, you use a abusive words on your partner with time your partner will start behave according to the word you said and from that point you guys will start having constant issues,and at this stage you won't even remember what you said in the pass. That is the power of the tongue.

Control your tongue, use the right words, and say positive things to your partner and it will bring positive results to your relationship because that is the power of the tongue. 

Choose the right speech in your relationship, control your tongue,and you will see the power of speech control in your relationship.
By Esther alex 

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