Words on marble 

💖To my single in the house💖

Been single is never a bad idea, sometimes is better to experience the life of a single so you will get knowledge on things. Most people who were betrothed from birth never experience single life I think that's why it's hard for some of them to understand how to tackle things in their marriage life. 

It's never a crime to be single, most people stay in a relationship or marriage where they are not wanted because they are scared of been single, been alone. Some are willing to stay with someone that don't deserve their love rather than to stay single,some people prefer to be with someone that treats them lest than they are rather than been single .....Alot of people stays in bad relationship because they feel being disrespected is better than been single.

Most people enter into wrong marriage all because they are tired of being single. It's alright to be tired, but never let it put you in a situation or place you will never like or want to be.

My singles in the house, take your time, never be in a hesitate to leave single life,take your time, figure things out and it will bring the right person and put you in the right place. The more you are in a hesitate to leave single life the more you are likely to enter into bad relationships or marriage.

Being single helps you recover your own voice and self worth.its alright to be scared   a little but what is not alright is when you let it get the bigger and better part of you. 
So my lovelies take your time as a single person to prepare for the Right partner. 

    By Esther alex 

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