Changed :"the player"

Changed:"the player"
Episode 1
Life is sweet, Yes! Love is beautiful, but for a player, womanizer, it's all about fun fun, and fun. Chill as I take, you down the Memory Lane about a guy called Bob. Bob is a very rich young man, tall, sexy, and handsome to the core. Bob has a huge company, he is well respected by friends, but the only problem with Bob is ladies. Bob is a very good player when it comes to women, he loves ladies so much that he hardly stays with just one lady, he can love three ladies at the same time, and date all three of them. If anyone dares to complain, it's a goodbye to that particular lady because he will drop her, and gets her replacement to keep the numbers of ladies going high, so for that reason no one dares to complain about him cheating because he has money to spend on them. Hey! Bob said to one of his friends he meet at the club, Big man! The only guy with a lot of ladies, the Bob himself, Jason greeted, as he praised Bob, yes, that's me, Bob said praising himself, who is this new lady, Jason asked, this Stephanie, my new babe, I just met her yesterday, Bob said, hmm, Bob! Bob! Jason said, now lets caught the joke, why do you want to see him, Bob asked, look Bob, it's business, some people are trying get some goods, so, I was able to send one of them the company address, they will come to the company tomorrow, it worth a lot of money, Jason said, smiling, alright, Bob said. Wow, so this guy is very rich, Stephanie, said to herself. When Bob, and Jason were done talking, they both left. 

That night, Bob took Stephanie to his home for the first time, when she saw how huge, and beautiful the place is, I must remain in this house, Stephanie muttered to herself, do you like my place? Bob asked, I love this place, she replied, alright let's go upstairs, Bob said as he carried her to his room. When they entered, Stephanie immediately sighted a lady's bra on the bed. Baby is anyone inside this room, she asked, no no, he said as he carried the bra, look I wanted to give you a surprise, so, I bought the bra as a surprise to you, he lied, wow, you are so romantic, she compliment, but this bra is just too small for me, no worries I will keep it as a gift from you to me, she said, smiling,  thank God you bought the lie, you are still new to know I have other ladies, I just have to enjoy you a little more, he said to himself, alright you can keep it, he said to her. 

The next morning, Bob went to work to get ready for some serious business with some new clients. Few minutes later, some group of people entered into his office, they were nicely dressed. Soon they discussed the business, and after they have agreed on the terms, and conditions, I have to invite our boss now, a young man said, Are you not the boss? I thought... 
Bob was still talking when the young man told him he was going to make a call to the boss, she should be here now, the young man said, Is a she? Bob asked in surprise, yes the young man replied, then they heard a knock at the door, come in Bob said, a very young sophisticated tall beautiful lady walked into the office, Bob was suprise when he saw the young lady, Hello mist.Bob, am Miss.Selena, she said as she give him her hand to shake...........
       By Esther alex 
see you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode 

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