Story time : Misplaced Love episode 1

Misplaced Love 

Misplaced Love 
Episode 1
Love is beautiful, love is sweet, love is appreciated, love is kind, but when your partner don't make you feel all of this, it's no longer love. Eric is a successful young man, handsome, and hardworking. He have a caring, loving, straight forward, and respectful girlfriend, and her name is Kate. Kate works in a restaurant as a waitress, so, she is always busy but yet, she always makes out time to spend with Eric. Kate, and Eric has been dating for six months, Kate really loves Eric. Their relationship was going really smooth. One Evening, Eric went to a bar to chill, he was beginning to feel lonely when he called Kate on phone, Hi! Baby, how are you doing?he asked, am okay, and you love, she asked, am fine, but where are you? Can you come meet me at the silver bar, he asked,, remember am on night shift, don't worry it will end today, and tomorrow, I will spend the night with you, she said, after they were done talking, he ended the call. He was done with the drink and was about going when a very charming lady walked up to him, Hello! Am Chelsea, she said, giving him her hand to shake, Hi, am Eric, he replied, don't you have a date? Why are you here alone, she asked, Oh! I have a date, I just came here to rest on my own, he said, Hmm m I can keep you company, I always come to this place to rest too, she said, no thanks, I have to get going, he said, stood up, and left. Eric, he is a cute guy, Chelsea said to herself.
The next day, Eric called Kate, but she told him, she went home for a family meeting, but will soon be on her way, go, and wait for me at the bar, she said, Eric agreed, and decided to go to the bar to wait for Kate. When he arrived, took a sit, and order for his drink, he was served, and was taking his drink when a lady walked up to him.............. 
 By Esther alex 
see you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode
Notice: New story that is on sales now, "Unforeseen Love " and Unwavering Love" launches on 22nd June. Cost for one story #300 and for both stories #500. Kindly make payment to the account below:
Acct number : 2082867133
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