Story time : misplaced love episode 2

Misplaced Love
Episode 2
The devil will always tempt us, but it's now left for you to decide if you are to overcome it or take it. Hello Eric, the lady said, Hey Chelsea, you again? Eric asked, yes can I seat here with you? Chelsea asked, I don't own this place or chair, you can seat if you want to, Eric said, thank you, you are such a gentleman, Chelsea complimented, Eric just let out a smile. Where is your date? Or are you here just to rest again, she asked in a mockery tone, Eric just ignored her, and decided to call Kate, hello baby, where are you, he asked, you see love am glad you just called,i wanted to call but I was out of airtime, I don't think I will be able to meet you tonight, let's just see tomorrow, she was still talking when Eric ended the call. Hmm! m I sense disappointment, chelsea said, I will pay for your drink, Eric said, feeling disappointed, don't worry am here to keep you company, she said, smooching him, he let out a laugh, and they talked, and exchanged contact,before they finally depart ways. The next day, Kate quickly called Eric to tell him, she was going to meet him at the bar, but he told her he wasn't going to go to the bar that night, let's meet tomorrow he said, and ended the call. That evening, Eric prepared, and went to the bar to meet up with Chelsea, I really enjoyed her company last night, beside am not going to cheat on Kate with Chelsea, he said to himself. Soon Chelsea arrived at the bar, she and Eric talked for long that when it was time for him to go,  she told him, she was going to know his apartment, this night, don't you think it's already too late, Eric asked, no it's OK, I won't stay for long, she said, That night she went with Eric to his apartment, here is my little place, he said, did you just say little, this place is beautiful, she said, and they both laughed. They talked for a while, I should see you off now he said to her, my place is very far, and risky please let me spend the night with you here she said, he couldn't resist helping her, OK, I will show you to your room, he said. That night at 2am, Eric felt someone touching his body, and he immediately woke up, Chelsea what are you doing in my room? why are you not sleeping? he asked, hmm I felt lonely, let me sleep here with you, she said, removing her night gown, when Eric saw how hot her body was, he wouldn't say no, and that night he ended up having sex with Chelsea. 

The next day, after work, Kate went to visit him at his house, baby give me your phone let me call my sister, I am out of airtime, she said, MMM, you better get airtime oh, he said jokingly, don't worry I will get you airtime when taking you home, he promised and gave her his phone. She was punching the digit, when a msg notification came in, and what she saw was, Eric you were sweet last night, can I come over? Kate became very angry, love who sent you this text she said, showing him his phone, baby what text? He asked, and when he saw it, he was shocked, why did you open my text, he asked furiously, I didn't I was punching the number, I wanted to call, when the msg pop up, she said, baby it's not what you think, he defended, Kate became angry, and left his house. That night he tried, calling her, but she refused answering, he was thinking on what to do when he heard a knock on his door.............
 By Esther alex 
see you all tomorrow at 6pm
stay tuned for next episode 

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