Story time: The wrong choice episode 3

The Wrong Choice 
Episode 3
When the devil wants to ruin your life, and happiness he puts you in a difficult situation where you will have no other choice, but to compromise, unless you are prayerful. When the car stopped in front of Sandra, a handsome young man came out of the car, she was speechless when she saw it was the same guy she met at the supermarket. Hey pretty! Here we met again, he said, hi! She responded, what happened to your car? He asked her, I don't know what happened it won't just move, she replied, alright I can help you that's if you want, but I have to call my mechanic to come check it out, and maybe by tomorrow it will be fixed, he said, and brought out his phone to make the call. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it, she said, OK I can drop you off if you want, beside you can't easily get a cab here, just tell me where you are going, he said, alright, she said. Sandra hopped into the car, and he droved off, am so sorry for the other day, she said, am glad you still remember, but it's OK. Am Duke, what about you, he asked, am Mrs. Sandra Mark, she said, oh! you are married, he said, looking at her wedding ring, yes I am she replied, they talked until she got to few meters to her family house, stop me here, she told him, are you sure, I can drive you to your house, he said, no no, thank you, I will be fine, she said, give me your contact, so I can call you, when my mechanic finishes he said, and they exchange contact, then she got down from the car, and walked down to her family house. When she got there, her mom was the only one at home, where is everyone Sandra asked, they went out, and why didn't I hear the sound of your car, her mom asked, mom it broke down on my way here, so, I got someone to fix it, she replied, you know getting a cab here is not that easy, especially at night, her mom said, mom don't worry, she said, OK, so how is your husband, and what you told me about, her mom asked, mom, Mark is doing well, also his treatment is getting better, but please don't tell him, I mean don't bring up the issue with him, Sandra said. My daughter, just look at you, I don't want you to end up without having children, if possible gets someone to get you pregnant, her mom said, Mom! Stop it, we are fine OK, and Mark will be well. Mother, and daughter talked for a long time, and when they were done, Sandra left.
Getting a cab, wasn't easy for Sandra, she was still waiting when that same car drove towards her, hey Sandra, you are still here, let me drop you off,because it won't be easy to get a cab, Duke said, alright, I have been waiting here for long, she said, and entered the car, he droved her towards her gate then he stopped her, let me stop you here before your husband sees us, and get the wrong impression he said, Sandra smiled, don't worry he is out of town, but you can stop me here, she said, alright, I will get your car delivered tomorrow he said, and left. 

That night, she called Mark several times before he finally took her call, hello, am so sorry honey, it won't happen again, I have already told mom before you asked me not to. she said, it's alright, how is mom, and everyone, he asked, all good, honey!my car broke down on my way there, thank God a good Samaritan helped me, she said, wow that's good, I will call the mechanic to go check on the car mark said, no I already took it to a mechanic she said. What a lovely, and happy couple, but I guess you know what the devil hates the most, and he is about to destroy it. The couple talked for a while until they ended the call, and slept off. 

The next day, Sandra was at work when an unknown number called her, hello, who is this?she asked, it's Duke, I and my mechanic will bring your car later, he said, thank you she replied, and ended the call. Later that evening, Duke brought the car to her house, You have a nice home, he said. It's really a nice home,too bad he is about to destroy it. Thank you she replied, so your husband hasn't returned, he asked, yes, she said, alright why don't we go out, don't worry we won't take long, he said, but she refused. After must persuation from him, she agreed, and they went out. When they arrived at the bar, and their drinks were served, the two was still talking, when her phone rang, it was Mark calling, she took the call, hey! honey how are you? She asked, am OK, how about you sweetie, hope you are not lonely in my absence, he asked, I am, I miss you, she said, where are you, I can hear noises, he asked I went out with a friend, she said. They talked for a few minutes then she ended the call, you have a very loving husband, Duke said, yes he is the best, and I can't trade him for anything she said, when they were done they left the place. 

One week later, Sandra, and Duke has become friends, but Mark is still not yet back. One day, They went out, and were having fun when her phone rang, it was Mark calling, but she didn't hear it ring, because her phone was on silent, when she got home, saw the calls, and called him, where were you, I have been calling you he said, honey I was sleeping, and my phone was on silent, she lied. they talked for a while, before ending the call. I just told my husband a lie, I have to cut off all ties with Duke before he puts me in trouble, she said to herself. When you start telling your partner lies, you are about to destroy your relationship. Sandra avoided Duke, and stopped talking any of his calls. One Saturday evening, she was at home all alone thinking of the beautiful moments with her husband, and how much she misses him, when she heard a knock at the door, am coming she said, when she opened the door, she was surprise when she saw.............. 
 By Esther alex 
see you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode! 

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