Story time :The wrong choice episode 4

The Wrong Choice 
Episode 4
  The more you want to avoid something, the closer it gets to you. Sandra was surprise when she saw Duke standing in her door step, hey! What are you doing here? Sandra asked, you have not been taking my calls, and it seems like you are avoiding me, Duke said, no am not, she replied, alright may I come in now, she was silent for a few minutes, OK, she said. Duke entered inside, and sat down, Sandra was just staring at him, are you alright he asked, am fine, what can I offer you? She asked, nothing where are your kids, he said, we are still waiting on the Lord, she replied, hmm, I just want to see you, looking straight into her eyes, you miss him right, he asked, I can keep you company if you want, he said, she smiled no am fine, she replied, Duke laughed, I mean no harm, we can have fun, beside you don't know if your husband is all alone, he said, looking into her eyes, she was numb, then he drew closer to her, and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips, stop it, am married, and beside this is my husband's home, she said, pushing him away, it doesn't mean, he said, and continued kissing, and caressing her, she couldn't resist him anymore, and finally gave in, they were on the cushion, and he was about to take her to cloud nine when her phone began to ring, it was Mark calling, Hello honey, she said, hey baby let's Skype, I miss seeing your beautiful face, he said, not now honey, you see am very busy, she said, alright call me when you are done, he said, and ended the call. Duke I think you should leave now please, she said, pointing towards the door, he got up, gave her a peck, and left. That night, she couldn't sleep she kept thinking about Duke, and what he said, I trust Mark, he can't cheat on me, but what if he is already at it, maybe I should give Duke a try just this once, and when Mark get back, all will be over between me, and Duke she said to herself. She smiled to herself when she remembered about the way he caress her, no no I love Mark, I think i should go warn him tomorrow to stop seeing me,and stay away, she muttered to herself again until she slept off, and forgot to Skype her husband that night. 

The next day was Sunday, after church she called Duke, and told him to send his address, so she could visit him after church, he sent it to her. Finally, I have gotten her, he said to himself, and let out a laugh. After service, she went to see him, Duke welcomed her, I know you miss me, he said, she smiled, please I want you to stop.....she was still talking when duke drew her closer, and planted a passionate kiss on her lips, carried her straight to his bedroom, and gave her a passionate sex. When they were done, she was still resting on the bed nake, when her phone rang, it was Mark calling, she quickly arranged her voice, hello honey how are you?, she said, Am doing well, but why didn't you call me last night, he asked, I slept off, I was so tired, sorry, she replied, alright end the call let me Skype you, he told her, no no, I want to take a bath, she said, wow that will be nice I want to see you, because I really miss your lovely body, he said, but she insisted, alright, I will be home tomorrow morning, he said, and ended the call. Immediately she ended the call, she quickly got dressed, are you leaving already,why not stay for a while, he said, no, I have to go, she stood up, and left Duke's house.

The next morning, Mark arrived home, he was excited to see his beloved wife, you are really beautiful, he said to her, she laughed, and they both went inside. That night, Mark, and Sandra went to bed, honey how was your online therapy section, she asked, it will soon be over in no time, I think am getting better, but very soon, I will go for another test, he said, and they were both happy, after their conversation, Mark tried making love to his wife, but she refused saying, she was already tired, but you promised me, he reminded her, am sorry honey, am tired, let's leave it tomorrow, she said, and they slept off. 

They next day, she was at work when Duke called her, let's meet at my house after work,he said, my husband his back, I can't, I have to prepare him dinner, she said, but he insisted until she finally gave in. After work hour, she drove down to his apartment, and they had another round of sex, and this time she really enjoyed it. When she got home, it was almost 9pm,sweet you are late what happen? And I tried calling you, but it was not reachable, Mark said, oh honey, I had to work overtime at the office, she lied. That night, Mark tried having sex with her again, but she told him, she was already tired, and needed to rest, and they both slept off.

The next day, Mark was suppose to go for is therapist section, and asked his wife to accompany him, but she told him she was already late for work, and she left him. Things began to take another turn in the life of the couple, and Mark became worried. But no ones knew that the worst was about to happen. That night Mark called his wife, Baby what is happening to you, you no longer accompany me to my therapist section anymore, and whenever I want to make love to you, you always bring up excuses, he said, am just tired that's all, she gave him a kiss, and went to sleep. 

Two weeks later, she was beginning to feel sick, and decided to go for check up at the hospital. She carried out series of test, both HIV,STDs, and the rest. When the result was out, the doctor looked at her, and said, Mrs. Sandra, you are...............
 By Esther alex 
see you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode 

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