The wrong choice episode 5(second to last)

The Wrong Choice
Episode 5 second to last 
There is nothing more heartbroken, than knowing that you have failed in your marriage. The doctor looked at her, and said, Mrs. Sandra, you are pregnant, she was shocked, doctor please check very well, maybe that result is not mine, she said, the doctor looked at her, Mrs. Sandra you should be happy because having a child is the best gift ever, she smiled, collected the result, and left. What do I do now, I have gotten myself into a big mess, if Mark finds out it will be a problem, she muttered to herself, I think I should go, and see Mom, then she brought out her phone, and made the call, Hello mom, she said, how are you? Am OK, mom will you be at home later, I have something important to tell you, she said, am suppose to go see someone but I will wait for you, she said, and they ended the call. After work, she went down to see her mom, and told her everything, the Mom was surprised, Sandra what have you done to yourself, her mom asked, Mom I want to abort it, she said, no don't maybe it's for a good course, she said, how mom, Sandra asked, then she drew her daughter closer, since Mark can't get you pregnant, why not try having sex with him, so it will look like he got you pregnant himself, but mom I have been avoiding his touch since he got back, she said, What! but why, she asked, Mom I don't know what came over me, she said, Hmmm, OK, but try my dear, her mom said, and she agreed, but was scared, she was still talking to her mom,when Duke started calling, but she refused answering, and switched off the phone. When she was done talking to her mom, she left, and went home. Why are you late today, Mark asked, I went over to see mom, she said, and went inside to take a bath, and was ready to seduce her husband to have sex with her. Mark was still in the sitting room, trying to put some files together, honey why don't you come to the bedroom so we can have a good time, she said, wow sweetie you just go ahead, I will come meet you when am done, he said, and she left, but he suddenly fell asleep there, while Sandra kept waiting until she slept off. When she woke up the next morning, honey I waited for you last night, but you ended up sleeping here in the sitting room, she said, am sorry love, I promised you tonight, he said, and they both left for work. That night, the same thing happened, and she wasn't able to have her way. The next morning, Sandra was angry again, and you could see the look on her face, Baby I am sorry about last night again, you see I have to come up with a good presentation for the company, so that is what I have been working on, but if am not exhausted from work tonight, you will have me all to yourself, he said, alright honey I understand she said, but that night the same thing happened. It continued for 4days, Mark didn't try to make love to her, she became tired, and decided to tell Duke about the pregnancy. I have to tell him tomorrow before it becomes too late, she said. That night, she was in the kitchen cooking when Mark asked her if she has a pen, since he left his own at the office, she told him to check her hand bag, and he left for the handbag, he was searching for the pen, then decided to bring out everything from the bag, when he saw a white paper, he opened it, and behold it was a pregnancy test results which has his wife's name on it, and stated positive. She was in the kitchen when she remembered she had the result in her bag, so she left what she was doing in a hurry to go check it out when she saw her husband coming out with it, she was shocked, and was shivering inside, Sandra are you pregnant? He asked, she was speechless, answer me he said, yes I am, we should be happy, she said, you can't fool me, because I checked the date on the result it's something recent, and I haven't made love to you in a while, he said, then she burst into tears am sorry, I don't know what came over me, please forgive me, she pleaded, he was angry, so you've been cheating on me, he asked, no honey, you see I just wanted us to...... she was still talking when Mark left the room. Oh am dead, she cried out, am sorry honey, it was a mistake, she shouted. That night, he slept in the sitting room, while Sandra slept in the bedroom. The next morning, he acted like nothing happened, and she became scared the more, I have to see mom, she said. That day after work, Mark went to see his Mom. where is your wife, his Mom asked, she is fine, and at home, but mom I need your help he said, then he narrated everything that had happened she was angry, why didn't you tell me all this while, she said, Mom am so sorry, I thought I will be able to handle it, but I can't, he said, it OK my son, tomorrow we will go see Sandra's Mom, besides how is your treatment, she said, am almost done with it, he replied, alright go home, tell your wife, we are going to see her mom tomorrow.
We have family so whenever we have a problem, there is always someone to lean on. That night when Mark got home, he refused eating the meal his wife prepared for him, tomorrow after work, we will go to your family house he said to her, and went to sleep. 

The next day, after work the three both arrived at Sandra's family home. Welcome my in-law, Sandra's mom said, thank you, Mark's mom replied. Why are you here?hope all is well, she asked, we are here for an important discussion, Mark's Mom said, when Mark finished narrating everything to them, Sandra's mom looked at them, and pretended like she never knew anything about it , I know what Sandra did is very wrong, but you see Mark, maybe it's God's own way of giving you a child, who knows maybe your treatment might not work, it's a mistake that is already been done, please forgive her, she said, Mark's mom became angry, what! my son will be well again, Mark let's go, she said, and they left. While Sandra stayed back, mom am finished she said, don't worry, he will accept you, and that child, who knows his treatment might not work, look I really need a grandchild her mom said, and they both went to bed. 

The next day, Sandra went to her husband home, they were in the same house, but they dont talk to each other. While Duke on the other hand kept calling her, but she refused answering any of his calls. Mark was thinking if he should divorce her, but I can't stay alone, I don't want to be alone, what will people say if they found out about what happened he said to himself, it took him a week to finally decide what he want.
It's alright to be scared, but never be scared of been alone, it's better to be single than be with someone who does not appreciate your love. One evening she came home, and saw her husband sitting in the living room, honey! she said, but he ignored her greetings, brought out a paper, and gave it to her, Sandra am so disappointed in you, you broke my trust, and the love we share, here is a divorce paper sign it, so we will part ways, since you've made your choice, he said, and left her. Sandra burst into tears again, honey wait, I can abort it so will go back to the way we use to be, she said, but he ignored her, what have I done to myself, why did I fall for all this, Why did I have to make that choice, and mistake, a very wrong one she said to herself, after one week she finally signed the divorce papers, and left Mark 's home. Then she went to meet her mom with her bags, Mom I and Mark are no more together, she cried out, my dear do not cry, why don't you go pay visit to the father of your child, her mom said, Mom, I have been ignoring his calls since all this started, beside he is the cause of my pain she cried, go check him my dear, she said. The next day, when she got to Duke's home, knocked, a lady opened the door, please am looking for Duke, Sandra said, baby! someone is here to see you ,the lady said, when Duke saw her, he was shocked, and quickly walk her out, what are you doing here, and why didn't you call before coming, he said, She smiled, I needed to talk to you, as you can see am pregnant she said, wow the Lord has finally done it for you, and your husband, he said smiling, but she laughed in a sober way, No you are responsible she said, What! Duke shouted in surprise............
 By Esther alex 

see you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode 

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