Story time : A forgiven heart episode 2

A Forgiven Heart
Episode 2
Nobody can destroy the foundation of your family unless you allows it. Charles was surprised when he heard what Doris said. You can't be serious, Charles said to his wife, No love, am very serious, I need to register for that fitness class, Doris said again, Wait! Was it because I told you, you were getting fat? I was only joking, you are okay like this, Charles said, No, I want to loss some weight, so, you won't leave me for another lady, Where is all this coming from, Charles let out a laugh, I can see you are tired, let's go to bed now, Charles said, and he went inside. When they got inside, Doris was very angry, while Charles was in the mood to make love to his wife as promised. Charles was about to caress  his wife, but Doris pushed him away. Love, stop it, I really want to eat you up,  Charles said as he moved closer to his wife, I want to register for fitness class, Doris said again, Hmmm woman, you are so full of surprises, just Yesterday, you told me you wanted us to have another child, I agreed, now you want to loss weight? Charles asked, Yes, Doris replied, You are okay to me, I don't know why you want to loss weight, my answer is No, Charles said, then he backed her, and slept off. While Doris kept saying to herself, Christabel was right, you have someone else.

The next morning, breakfast was served, and they were having breakfast. Charles tried to have a conversation with his wife, but she ignored him. Amy! Doris called out, Yes mom, Amy replied, I don't want you to get fat like me when you grow up, Doris said, Charles was angry when he heard what Doris said to his six years old daughter, Mom! I want to be like you, you are not fat like my teacher in school, Amy said smiling. Charles had already lost his appetite, he stood went closer to his wife's ear, and whispered to her, Honey, I really love you, and you know how much I dote on you, Doris was already smiling thinking he agreed already, but when she heard him said, but, I can't let you register for that fitness class, Charles said to her, Amy, and princess I will take you girls to school today, Charles said, and walked outside leaving Doris in anger. 

That evening, Doris refused talking to Charles. Hi love, how was your day? Charles asked his wife as usual, but she ignored him, Hmmm, I can't let you register for that fitness class, and it's final better get ready for us to make another child, or you don't want it anymore, Charles asked, but Doris kept silent without uttering a word. 

The next day, Doris went to work, and Christabel came to visit her. Why didn't you come yesterday, Doris asked, Sorry, I was busy, Christabel said as she handed to Doris a complimentary card, Whose card is this? Doris asked, Just call that number that's the place the fitness class is located, they are very good, Christabel said, Thank you, but it's of no use, Doris said, Don't tell me Charles refused, Christabel asked, He did, Doris replied, Girl, that man has a good woman outside, he doesn't want you to look like her, Christabel said, I don't know was to think, Doris replied with a sad face, Look, you have to try, and register for that fitness class because you really need it, Christabel said, No, maybe I just need another child, Doris said, Yes, and that class too, just think about it, Christabel said to her. That evening, Doris prepared a special dinner for her family. Welcome, Love, Doris greeted Charles, Thank you honey, Charles replied in surprise, Go, take a shower, then come down, so we can have dinner, I prepared us a special meal, Doris said as she smiled, Alright, I love what am seeing, Charles said and planted a kiss on her lips. Soon dinner was served, they were laughing, chatting, and eating, then all of a sudden the place became quiet. Please, Love, let me attend this fitness class, Doris said, Now I know why all this treat, but No, you can't, and I will be travelling tomorrow for a business trip, I will be gone for six months, so, you better think of how to take care of your girls, and forget that fitness class, Charles said, Doris became angry, You want to go, and see your other woman, and children, that's why you don't want me to have another child, and also go to that fitness class, Doris said, stood up, and left the dinning, Dad why is mom angry? Amy asked, Girls eat your delicious meal, Charles said, and his two daughters continued eating. Few hours later, Charles went inside the bedroom. Immediately Doris saw him, she started crying, but he ignored her, Love please, let me go to that fitness class, Doris pleaded, No, you won't, I can only have another child with you because that's what I know you truly want, and this should be the last time, I will remind you to mind the things you say in front of our girls, Charles said, and lay down to sleep, leaving Doris in tears. 

The next morning, Charles prepared, and was ready to leave for his journey, he hugged his girls, and planted a kiss on his wife's lips, then he left. Doris droved the girls to school, and then she went to work. She was in her office thinking, then she decided to give Christabel a call. Hello friend, how are you? Doris asked, Am OK, and you? Christabel asked, Am fine oh, Doris replied, I would have love to come to your place, but am busy now, Christabel said, okay, Doris replied, and was about to end the call when Christabel asked her if Charles finally agreed, No, he didn't, Doris said, Don't worry just try again tonight, Christabel said, Charles travelled for another business trip, Doris said, That is very good, now you can do whatever you want, Christabel said, How do you mean? Doris asked, Now you can register for that fitness class without any stress, Christabel said, No, I can't do that, what if I got caught? Doris asked, Yes, you can, and you won't get caught, at least you will be done before he gets back, Christabel said, Yes! Doris screamed out, he will be gone for six months, Doris said, Now is your chance, Christabel said, Thank you very much, you are so helpful, How is your fiancé Kevin, Doris asked, but Christabel ignored her question, and ended the call. 

One month later, Doris had already registered for her fitness class. One Evening, Doris arrived home feeling so exhausted from her fitness class. She was about to sleep when her phone began to ring, it was Charles calling. Hello Love, how are you? Doris asked, Am good how are you and the kids? Charles asked, we are fine, Doris replied, I want to speak with them, I really missed those girls, Charles said, I left them at mom's place, Doris replied, They are still at mom's place at this time, won't they be going to school tomorrow? Charles asked, Honey I was so exhausted from work, and this fitness class, so, I was so tired to pick them up from mom's place, Doris said, Did you just say fitness class? Charles asked in surprise, that was when Doris tiredness disappeared from her...............

    By Esther alex 
See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode 

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