Story time : A Forgiven Heart Episode 3

A forgiven heart 

A Forgiven Heart
Episode 3
It hurts when someone goes against your instructions especially when that person is supposed to be submissive to you. Doris became scared, and was speechless, Hello honey, Am talking to you, Charles said, Love, am so sorry, I just wanted to loss some weight, she was still talking when Charles ended the call. Doris tired calling Charles back, but his number was not reachable. That night, Doris became so scared, Oh God, what have I done, Doris muttered, she was so lost in thought until she finally slept off. 

The next day, Christabel went to visit Doris. Hello, Doris, you are looking so young, and beautiful, Christabel said, Thank you, I want to quit that fitness class, Doris said, You want to do what? You better don't, Christabel warned, Charles found out yesterday, I told him unknownly, Doris said, And so, he won't beat you, you know how much Charles loves you, Christabel said, I shouldn't have gone against is orders, I feel bad now, Doris said, It doesn't mean anything, Christabel replied, You won't even understand me, why am I talking to you, you are not married, Doris said, and Christabel became angry, I only wanted to help you, now you want to insult me, Christabel said, stood up, and was about to leave, but Doris stopped her. Am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that to you, please understand me, Doris pleaded, It's OK, you know I won't lead you astray, you are close to having a good shape so, don't spoil it, I have to go now, Christabel said, and she left. Doris was lost in thought, what am I going to do, she said to herself. That evening, Doris went to pick the girls from her mum's place, and was driving home when Charles called her. Hello, Love, Am driving, I went to pick the girls from mum's place, let me call you when I get home, Doris said, and ended the call. Few minutes later, Charles called back. Hello love, am so sorry, I won't go against your orders again, Doris pleaded, Charles took a deep sigh, where do you keep the girls before going for the fitness class, Charles asked, At mom's place, I will quit the fitness class, Doris said, You don't have to, I want to talk to the girls, Charles said, please am sorry, forgive me, Doris pleaded, it's alright, hand over the phone to princess, Charles commanded, and Doris gave princess the phone. 

The next day, Doris picked the girls from school, and went home with them. Mom! Amy called out, Yes, baby, Doris replied, Are you going to take us with you, Amy asked, No, Doris replied, Mommy, I want to go with you, princess said, No love, I will stay with you girls, Doris said as she smiled, Thank you, mommy, the two girls said, Mommy you are beautiful, don't go there again, Amy said, and Doris let out a smile. That night, Charles called Doris, they have already patched things up, and we're happy again. The two couple talked for long, until they finally ended the call. The devil never like a unite, and happy family, and was about to destroy the love they both shared. 

The next day, Doris went to the fitness class as usual. Since She didn't attend the previous day, she arrived at the fitness center early. Who is that guy standing over there? Doris asked a friend at the class, Oh! that's Mist. Raymond, the new instructor, the lady replied, He came yesterday, the lady said, What happened to the old one, Doris asked, I don't know, but why do you ask? the lady said, Nothing, thank you, Doris said as the stares at mist. Raymond. After the fitness class, Doris walked towards her car when a young guy walked up to her. Hello! The young man greeted, Hey, Doris replied, I noticed you staring at me since you arrived today, the young man said, Sorry, Doris replied, as she opened the door of her car, Am Raymond, he said, and gave her his hand to shake..............

     By Esther alex 
See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode. 

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