Story time : A Forgiven Heart episode 4

A forgiven Heart 

A Forgiven Heart 
Episode 4
Sometimes, things happen for a reason, mostly to test your ability to overcome something. So, therefore, temptation are bound to happen, and when it does, it now depends on you,  and the way you react to it. Doris let out a smile, I know who you are, mist. Raymond, am Mrs. Doris Charles, she said, and shook his hands, You are married, that's good, Raymond said, Alright mist. Raymond, Doris replied, entered her car, and drove off, That lady is beautiful, Raymond said as he stood there, and watch until her car went out of sight.

That night, Raymond kept thinking of Doris. Oh God she is married, he said to himself, but it doesn't mean anything, I know some married women who likes young guys like me, let me try my luck with her, she is sexy, I think she likes me too, just look at the way she was staring at me, Raymond said, and let out a smile. While Doris on the other hand didn't think much about Raymond. 

The next day, Doris went for her fitness class feeling, so weak, and tired. I just have to do this, it will soon be over, she muttered to herself. During the exercise, because she was too tired, and weak she missed few steps. So immediately after the exercise, mist. Raymond told Doris he wanted to see her after she finished changing, OK sir, Doris replied. Few minutes later, Doris went to see Raymond. What is wrong? Mist. Raymond asked, How do you mean? Doris asked back, I noticed during the exercise you weren't following, you missed lot of steps, mist. Raymond said, Oh! That, I was only feeling tired, she replied, Okay, mist. Raymond said, Thanks for your concern, I have to go now, Doris said as she stood up to leave, Emmm....OK, Raymond said, and Doris left. That night, Charles called his wife. After so much talking, Charles asked Doris when will she be done with the fitness class, In two weeks time, Doris replied, Woaw! I know my wife now looks like Celine Dion, Charles teased his wife, Doris laughed out, Honey, enough about me, so tell me, when are you coming back home? I miss you, and am the girls do too, Doris said, Don't worry, it will be a surprise, Charles said, and when they were done talking, Charles ended the call. 

The next day, Doris was in her office when Christabel came to visit her. Hello friend, I missed you, Christabel said, How are you? Doris asked, fine, you look so beautiful, and have a perfect shape, you are no longer fat, Christabel said, Thank you, am glad this whole thing will come to an end soon, Doris said, But there is a little problem, Doris said, Why? Christabel asked, There is this new instructor, I think he likes me, Doris said, He likes you? Christabel asked, Yes, I notice the way he stares at me, Doris explained, Hope you will agree if he asks you out? Christabel asked, Oh my God, Am married for God’s sake, am happy Charles finally forgived me for going against his will, what do you think he will do when he finds out, Doris asked, He doesn need to find out, besides he always travels out, some women do things like that Christabel said, Christabel you have to go now, Doris said laughing as she stood up to walk Christabel out, Thank you, let me walk you out, Doris said, and Christabel stood up to leave. Few minutes after Doris saw Christabel off, she heard a knock at the door. Christabel I said you should go, and since when do you began to knock? Doris said as she walked to get the door. But she was shocked when she saw it was Raymond standing at the door. Hey! Raymond, what are you doing here? And how did you find this place? Doris said, Raymond let out a smile, I was coming out from the supermarket opposite when I saw you standing with a lady, I decided to come see if truly you are the one, Raymond said, Oh! Thank you, you are welcome, Doris said, Your place is nice, Raymond compliment. Thank you, My husband got this place for me, Doris said, You look beautiful, and have a good shape, so why did your husband allowed you to come to the fitness centre, Raymond asked, Nothing, Doris said, OK, Raymond replied, so when will you be done? Raymond asked, In two, weeks time, Doris replied, Hope it will be celebrated? Raymond asked, Maybe, we can when my husband gets back from his business trip, Doris replied. Alright, so where do you keep your kids before coming to the fitness centre, Raymond asked, At my mom's place, Doris said, OK, Raymond replied, perfect her husband is out of town, he muttered to himself. They were quiet for few seconds until Raymond finally told her he likes her, Doris let out a laugh, Am married, and have two lovely daughters, just now you asked about my husband, Doris said, It doesn't mean anything, we can still work things out, I know you really like me, I have seen you stolen glance at me, Raymond said, Doris let out a smile, and looked at her wrist watch, It's 3pm, I have to go pick my girls from school, before going to the fitness centre, Doris said as she stood up to leave, OK, I will see you there, Raymond said, then he left. What is all this, I know I admire him, but I love Charles, Doris said to herself. 

That evening, Doris arrived at the fitness centre. When mist. Raymond saw her, he winked at her, and smiled, I will surely get you, He muttered to himself. Immediately after the exercise, Doris quickly went outside, but saw Raymond standing beside her car. Let's have dinner, Raymond said, I have to go pick my girls from my mom's place, Doris replied, You can still pick them up immediately after the dinner, please, Raymond said, and Doris agreed. Doris followed Raymond to have dinner. They arrived at a restaurant, ordered for a meal, and they were served. They talked for a while until Raymond moved towards Doris, and planted a passionate kiss on her lips, she couldn't resist him but at some point the thought of her been married flashed to head, and she pushed him away, I have to go get my kids now, thank you for the dinner, She said, then she left. That night she couldn't sleep, the thought of what happened between herself, and Raymond, flashed to her head a million times, until she finally slept off. When you admire someone, and you allowed the thought of that person gets into your head that eventually makes you want that person the more. 

Two weeks later, Charles called his wife to congratulate her for finally completing her exercise. Congrat honey, Charles said to Doris, thank you, After today no more fitness centre, Doris said laughing, That's good, Charles said, When are you coming home, so, you celebrate with me, Doris asked, Soon, Charles said, they talked for a while before they ended the call. Later in the evening, Doris went to the fitness centre, and that was going to be her last time at the centre. After the section that day, Doris was very happy,  Now I can spend time with my family, and also have another baby, she said to herself as she walked towards her car. when Raymond saw her leaving, he ran after her, Hey Doris, Congratulations, he said, Thank you, Will your husband celebrate it with you? he asked, No, he is not yet back, but am going home to treat my girls out, she said. I want to take you out, Raymond said, Not today, Doris replied,  Please, Raymond pleaded, OK, hope we won't take long, Doris asked, we can go to my house, I have a very good wine, Raymond said, Your house? Doris asked, Yes, it's just few blocks away from here, Raymond said, OK, just a glass of wine, Doris said, OK, Raymond replied, and they left. Few minutes later, they arrived at Raymond's apartment, let me go get the wine, and two glass for us, he said, and left to get the drink. Few seconds later, he arrived back, Congratulations Doris, he said as he shook the bottle, and intentionally pulled the cap at Doris, and the wine splashed on her. Am sorry, Raymond apologized, It's okay, it not your fault, Doris said, Am so sorry, you can remove the blouse for it to get a little air, Raymond suggested, No, I can manage, Doris said. Raymond walked up to her, am sorry! He said, and gave her a passionate kiss, and he caress her breast. She couldn't resist him anymore, so, she gave in. They had a very passionate sex. 

When they were done, it was already 11pm. Doris quickly dressed up, and left Raymond's house. If only she knew Charles has already arrived, and had been waiting for her. Since it was already 11pm, she couldn't go pick the girls, I will pick them up tomorrow morning, she said to herself. When she arrived home, opened the door, she was locking the door, when she heard a voice, "Welcome home" She was shocked, then she turned around, and saw it was Charles.................... 

By Esther alex 
See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

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