Story time : A Forgiven Heart episode 7(last)

A forgiven heart 

A Forgiven Heart 
Last Episode 7
Like they said "No one knows tomorrow" because if you do, you will always know what to expect. Doris was happy, and sad at the same time. I miss my girls, she said to herself, Raymond will be so happy when he hears the good news I have for him, This pregnancy test results, and the divorce papers, she said to herself, left the hospital, and went to work. 

That evening, Doris droved from work to Raymond's house. I will go home later with the divorce papers to show Charles, she said. Soon she arrived at Raymond's house. She didn't bother to inform him about her coming because she wanted to surprise him. She knocked at his door, and a lady opened the door. Who are you looking for? The lady asked, Am here to see Raymond, Doris said, She was still talking when Raymond appeared at the door. Hey baby, Doris greeted Raymond, and gave him a hug, What are you doing here? Why didn't you call before coming? Raymond asked, I wanted to surprise you, and who is this lady? Doris asked, My girlfriend, Raymond said, Baby is this the lady you talked about? The lady asked, Yes love, and why are you here Doris? Raymond asked Doris, Can I talk to you privately, Doris said with sad tone, No, you can say whatever you want to say here, Raymond said, Fine! Am pregnant, Doris said, Raymond laughed so hard, You are pregnant? Raymond asked, Yes, Doris replied, How comes, and Why are you even pregnant? He said, So she is pregnant for you, and you didn't tell me, the lady said, Baby, am hearing this for the first time, am also shocked as you are, he said, Baby go inside let me settle, and end this now, Raymond said to the lady, and she walked inside. Doris was just standing numb, watching what was going on with Raymond, and the young lady. Raymond you are responsible for this pregnancy, Doris said, Look, woman I don't want you, or that baby in my life, you better abort it,  Raymond said, But you said you loved me, and wants to spend the rest of your life with me, You even told me to divorce my husband, Doris said as tears fell from her eyes, Come-on, It was all a game, and a lie, beside you weren't supposed to get pregnant for me, what about your husband, and kids, Raymond said, No, No, this can't happen, You made fall in love with you, I even wanted to divorce my husband for you, Doris said, as she brought out the divorce papers, and showed it to Raymond, You must be a joke, you are just too foolish, leave my house, and never return, Raymond said, and went inside leaving Doris in tears. 

What do I do now? She said to herself, it Christabel, she put me into this, she said, and drove to Christabel's house. One hour later, she arrived at Christabel's home, and luckily for her, Christabel was at home. Christabel, am finished, Doris said, What happened? Christabel asked, It's Raymond, that bastard, He got me pregnant, and pushed me away, Doris said, What! You got pregnant for Raymond, Christabel said, Yes, I was so in loved with him that I even thought of divorcing Charles, Doris said, Divorce Charles? What were you thinking, what is even wrong with you? It was supposed to be a fun something Why did you allow your heart to take you this far, It's all your fault, Christabel said to Doris who was still crying, My fault, You made me go to that fitness centre, you made me love Raymond, Doris said, I didn't force you to do any of those things, it was all your choice, Christabel said, No, Christabel you are a devil, and a wicked friend, Doris said, Christabel became angry, You can't come into my house to insult me, You have your family, a loving husband that could do anything for you, yet your stupid brain allowed you to want Raymond, how I wish I can have Charles, Christabel said, You are wicked, Doris said in tears, Leave my house now, Christabel said as she pushed Doris out of her house. 

Doris was feeling so frustrated, God please forgive me for wanting to break my marital vows, she prayed as she drived, she was still crying, and talking to herself that she didn't notice the car coming in front of her, at the time she saw it, it was already too late, they had already collided with each other.

Charles was home trying to put the two girls to sleep. Dad! Where is mom? Amy said, I want to see mom before sleeping, Princess said, Charles took a deep breath, and was about to answer the two girls when his phone began to ring. He checked who the caller was, and saw it Doris. Hello! Love where are you? Charles said, Please the owner of this phone just had an accident, and she has been rushed to the hospital, the unknown stranger said, What? Which hospital? he asked, She is being taken to the whitestone hospital at Miller crecent, the stranger said, Thank you, I will be on my way now, Charles said, and ended the call. Amy take care of your little sister, I will be back soon, Charles said, Dad where are you going! Amy said, but Charles ignored her, and left. 

Few hours later, Charles arrived at the hospital. Where is the lady that had an accident, and was rushed here? Charles asked the receptionist, Who are you sir? The receptionist asked,  She is my wife, Charles said, OK, I will take you to the doctor's office, the receptionist said, and led Charles to the doctor. 

Soon Charles arrived at the doctor's office. How is she? Charles asked, Welcome sir, Thank God she was brought here on time, but she is in comma, am sorry to tell you that she lost the pregnancy, let's hope she wakes up on time, the doctor said, Pregnancy! Was she pregnant? Charles said to the doctor, Yes, You didn't know, the doctor asked, Okay doctor, Charles replied, Okay, Go to the receptionist, you will see her bag, the doctor said, Thank you, Charles said, and left. Charles went to the receptionist, and collected Dori's bag, and left the hospital. 

When Charles got home, princess was already asleep. Amy are you still awake? Charles said, Yes Dad, I was waiting for you and mom, Amy said. That's mom's bag Amy said, as she quickly rushed to collect the bag from her Dad, Go keep it in my room, Charles said. Amy was climbing upstairs with the bag when she missed few steps, fell, and everything fell from the bag. What happened, be careful next time, Charles said as he rushed to help Amy up when he saw a brown envelope, he carried Amy up, and picked up the brown envelope. 

What is this, he said to himself, as he opened the envelope, he saw a divorce statement which has his name on it. What is the meaning of this, A divorce! Charles shouted, Dad what is it? Amy asked, Nothing, you just go to bed, Charles said to Amy, Okay dad, Amy said, and went upstairs. So Doris was planning for a divorce, but why? He said feeling heartbroken, that was when his memory flashed back to what the doctor said "she lost the pregnancy". I haven't had sex with Doris for long so how did she got pregnant? I think the guy got her pregnant, that was why she want to file for our divorce, so she can build up a family with him, Charles said. 

Two weeks later, Doris woke up from comma. When she woke up, she saw her family sitting beside her. You lost the pregnancy, Charles said, Am sorry, she said as tears fell off her eyes, I love you all, she said. 

One week later she was discharged from the hospital. Immediately she got home, she was feeling so scared, what will happen to me now, I know he must have seen the divorce statement paper, she said to herself, But if he has seen it, why is he still nice to me, and haven't say anything yet, she said feeling scared not knowing what to expect. 

Two weeks later, On a Saturday afternoon, Doris woke up from sleep, and saw a paper on the bed beside her, and she began to shiver in fear. Doris can you be honest enough to tell me why you filed for a divorce? Charles said, so you knew all this time, and why didn't you say anything about it, Doris asked, I didn't want to make you go back to comma, Charles said, And tears dropped from Dori's eyes, Am sorry, she said, Answer me, Charles shouted, and his voice woke the girls up in their room. Honey, it was a mistake, I didn't mean to do all this, Doris said as tears fell off her eyes, so why did you do it since you didn't mean to, Charles asked, It was Christabel, the fitness centre, she made me do it, Doris said, What were you looking for outside this marriage, was it money, kids, and I even wanted to have another child with you, Charles said, It's not money, It's time, and attention, Doris said, Was getting pregnant for him, part of the time, and attention you were seeking for? Charles asked, Am sorry, Doris said, I loved you, and always try to make my family my priority, Charles said, Please forgive me, it was a mistake, she said, just then the kids walked in, Why are you crying mom? Is it painful? Amy said, Sorry mom, Princess said. Honey, am so sorry, I want us to continue our marriage, I love my family, she said as she tore the divorce papers. How am I to forgive you, you cheated on me, and went to file for a divorce, and even got pregnant for him, am so disappointed in you, I really love you, and could do anything for you, Charles said, Am sorry, forgive me, I have really hurt you, and my daughters, Doris pleaded in tears, Sorry mom, stop crying, the two girls said. Charles became speechless as he saw the love the two girls have in their heart, since they already forgive their mom, I have to do the same too, Charles said to himself. It's okay love, I have forgiven you, I want us to be a happy family again, and am sorry for not having a enough time for you, I promise to change, and I won't always travel like I use to anymore, Charles said, You indeed have a forgiven heart, am at fault here,  but here you are apologizing, Thank you, I won't do fitness anymore, and am okay with just our two little girls, Doris said as she smiled at the kids, No way, you will do fitness at home, I will be your new instructor, and we are having another baby soon so get prepared, Charles said to Doris, and planted a kiss on her lips, the family had a group hug, and they lived happily after. Always keep to marital vows, your spouse should be your best and only friend that you can talk to, and always take advice from. Disobedience is bad, having extra martial affairs is never a good idea and always spend quality time with your family because it's tighten the bond of the family together. The End. 

By Esther alex 
Thank you all for staying tuned till the end. Love you all😘

Note :Thanks for all the comments and likes, it's has motivated me to write more stories, and it shows me you all appreciate my efforts. Thank you. 

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