Story time : My mother-in-law episode 4 (second to last)

My mother-in-law 

My Mother-in-law 
Episode 5(second to last) 
God works in a mysterious way, in a way we humans can never understand. Whatever happened, he allowed it for a reason. I know you all might be thinking why did God allowed  Mercy to get pregnant. When Mirabel heard her husband said, Mercy was already pregnant, she was surprised, wow! So quick, that's good, Mirabel said, I know, it just so quick, Jersey replied, yes it happens like that, I know of someone who got pregnant eight days after she slept with her husband for the first time, Mirabel said, I never knew, Jersey replied, because it took me long to conceive doesn't mean everyone has to wait that long, Mirabel said, stop it, don't say that again, Jersey said, What if she gives birth to a son, Mirabel asked with a sad tone, Jersey took a deep sigh, don't worry about that, I won't leave you or our daughter for anything or anyone else, he said, and planted a kiss on her lips. That night, they were joy in Jersey's home because their daughter is finally home. While Mrs. Truman On the other hand, was dancing in joy because she will finally have a grandson. She was still dancing in joy when something crossed her mind, what if she gives birth to a girl, No, it won't be, she said to herself. 

Mrs. Truman was taking good care of Mercy. I have told you to stop doing anything in his house, do you want to kill my grandson, she said to Mercy. She never allowed her to do any house chores, she cooks for Mercy, and do whatever Mercy wants. Mrs. Truman never bothered to check on her son, and his family. 

Nine months later, At about 8pm, Mercy was in labor, and was rushed to the hospital. Few hours later, the doctor came out smiling, congratulations MA, your daughter just delivered a bouncing baby boy, the doctor said, Boy! Thank you doctor, Can I see her now? Mrs. Truman asked, yes! You can, the doctor replied, Mrs. Truman quickly rushed inside, as she lay eyes on her grandson, she dance in joy, finally I now have a grandson, what Mirabel can't do, Mercy has finally done it, she said loudly, thank you my daughter, she said to Mercy who was smiling. Let me call my son, she said to Mercy as she went out to make the call. Jersey was playing with his wife, and daughter when Mrs. Truman call came in, why is mom calling, I thought I told her not to call me again, Jersey said as he stared at the phone that was still ringing, it might be a matter of urgency, answer the call, Mirabel said, alright, Jersey replied, then he answered the call, Hello mom, he said, Son! Son! Guess, Mercy has put to bed of a bouncing baby boy, you now have a son, she said in excitement, OK, that's good for you, Jersey replied, just that, won't you come, and see your son, she asked, mom! It's late already, I can't leave my family, he said, My grandson is also your family, she was still talking when Jersey ended the call. What did mom say? Mirabel asked, it's nothing important, he replied, it's Mercy right? Mirabel asked, yes, it's a boy, he replied, oh! Mirabel said, and took a deep sigh, come on love, don't worry I can handle it, Jersey said as he embraced his wife. 

Two weeks later, Jersey went to visit his mom. Since the first day Mercy put to bed, I called you, but you refused coming, even during the Christening you refused coming, Mrs. Truman said, mom, I have my family to look after, Jersey replied, this is your family too, his name is Jerry, Mrs. Truman said, okay mom, Jersey said, won't you go, and see Mercy she is in her room, Mrs. Truman said, mom, I have to be on my way now, Jersey said, and he left. Don't come looking for Jerry again, he is now my son, Mrs. Truman shouted. Mrs. Truman was so doting on her grandson. One evening, Mrs. Truman was carrying her grandson when Mercy walked in, Mom! You promised me, you will make your son marry me, Mercy said, my dear, Jersey is married, and beside that is not even important, the most important thing to me now is Jerry, my grandson, Mrs. Truman said, this woman wants to take my son away, and leave me empty, I have to act fast, Mercy said to herself, okay mom, Mercy said, and left. One week later, Mercy began to change her attitude towards Mrs. Truman. 

Ten months later, Mercy had completely changed, that she no longer has regard towards Mrs. Truman. One day, Mercy went out, and returned at 11pm. Where are you coming from? Mrs. Truman asked, please it's none of your business, Mercy said, Mercy, my grandson has been here crying, Mrs. Truman said, Mom, you don't expect me to stay here, and take care of Jerry, am still young, Mercy replied, Mrs. Truman became angry, and wanted to slap her, but Mercy stopped her, am not your daughter-in-law that you treat the way you want, Mercy said, I thought you are decent, why did you change? Mrs. Truman asked, just stop it, Mercy said, Mirabel will never talk back at me for any reason, you are a devil, Mrs. Truman said. That night, Mercy became furious that she thought of a way to deal with Mrs. Truman. I have an idea, she screamed out. The next morning, after breakfast,  Mercy went upstairs, parked her bags, and that of her son. Mom we are leaving here now, Mercy said, Mercy please don't go anywhere with my grandson, I will do anything for you, sorry I shouted at you last night, Mrs. Truman ended up apologizing, Mom, do you want to see your grandson again? Mercy asked, yes, Mrs. Truman replied, okay, you will do whatever I want, and give me whatever I ask for, Mercy said, yes I will, Mrs. Truman replied, If you don't, I will take your grandson away from you, you know you don't have another, Mercy threatened, yes, Mrs. Truman replied, and Mercy parked her bags back upstairs. What have I gotten myself into, all because of a grandson, am now a slave in my own house, Mrs. Truman muttered to herself.

One week later, things began to go worst. Mrs. Truman began to dance to Mercy's tone, she does whatever Mercy want, all because she wants her grandson to stay with her. While Mercy on the other hand continued with her late night. If only she knew Mercy had a plan. That evening, Mrs. Truman was watching movie when Mercy walked in, Mom, I want some money, Mercy said, my daughter I don't have money now, but I promise you, I will get it for you in three days time, Mrs. Truman said, Three days is too far, I need it tomorrow, Mercy said, okay I will try tomorrow, Mrs. Truman replied, Okay, if you want to still have your grandson, and send it to my bank account, Mercy said, as she dropped a piece of paper containing her account details on the table, then she left. Mrs. Truman didn't want to call Jersey, I have to do something, I won't let this woman take my grandson away, she said. The next day, Mrs. Truman prepared, and left to go send the money. Four hours later, Mrs. Truman arrived, and was so tired. Mercy! Mercy! Mercy! Mrs. Truman called out, but she heard no respond, so she decided to go to Mercy's room to call her. Mercy! Mrs. Truman called out as she pushed the door opened, but was shocked at what she saw.............. 
     By Esther alex 
see you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode 

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