Story time :My mother-in-law last episode 6

My mother-in-law 

My Mother-in-law 
Last Episode 6
No ones knows tomorrow, no one knows what tomorrow holds or will bring. We all pray for the best, but patience is the key. Mrs. Truman was shocked when she opened the door, and found it empty. Mercy has ran away, No! No! she cried out, my grandson!my grandchild, she muttered to herself as she ran downstairs, she quickly carried her phone, and dial Mercy's number, but it went to voicemail, she was scared to call Jersey, I can't tell my son, he is going to get angry, she said as she was pacing around the room, where do I go or even start from, it's night already, she said to herself. After so much thinking, she said to herself, I just have to go, and see Jersey this night, she said, then she left. 

Jersey was having dessert with his family when he had a knock at the door, Mirabel stood up to go get the door, but Jersey stopped her, let me go stay with Desire, he said as he left for the door. When Jersey opened the door, he was shocked at whom he saw, Mom! What are you doing here? Jersey asked, Can I at least sit down inside, Mrs. Truman asked in fear, No, you can say whatever you want to say to me here, Jersey said, okay son, mmmm, Mrs. Truman stammered, what is it mom, Jersey asked again, it my grandson, your son, Mrs. Truman said, what happened to him? Jersey asked again, he is missing, Mercy ran away with him, Mrs. Truman said, what! Jersey screamed out, honey who is at the door? And what happened? Mirabel said as she rushed to the door carrying her daughter, mom! Mom! Little Desire called out in excitement, my lovely grandchild, Mrs. Truman said as she stretched forth her hand to carry her grandchild, but Mirabel held her back, Mom! You are here? Mirabel said, Honey! What did she say? Mirabel asked, My son is missing, Jersey said, what! Mirabel shouted, Mom, leave this place, go now, and look for my son, Jersey said, as he threw her out of his house. Honey! What do we do now Mirabel asked, don't worry, I will handle it, let's go to bed, Jersey said, and took his family upstairs. 

One week later, Mirabel became worried about her husband, why hasn't he mention anything about his son, she thought to herself, maybe he dont want me to getting involved in it, she said to herself. 
The next morning been Saturday, Jersey quickly woke up, prepared breakfast for his family, then he went upstairs to wake his wife. Babe, wake up, breakfast is served. You, and Desire should go freshen up, so, we can have breakfast, we are going out, he said, wait, you prepared breakfast? She asked, yes I did, he said, and planted a kiss on her forehead, and went downstairs leaving Mirabel in surprise. Few hours later, they were done with breakfast, and Jersey took them out. 

One hour later, they arrived at Mrs. Truman's apartment, what are we doing here? Mirabel asked, I have something to tell you, he said, Have you seen your son? She asked again, calm down, you will find out soon, he replied, as they went towards the door, and knocked. Mrs. Truman was home feeling scared, when she heard a knock at her door, it might be Mercy, I think she is back, Mrs. Truman excitedly said as she went, and opened the door, but she was surprised when she saw her son, and his family standing at her door step. Son! Am sorry, I have not seen Mercy, she pleaded, but Jersey ignored her, and went inside. Jersey was quiet, he didn't say a word to his mom, he just sat quietly, and was staring at the door, while Desire was playing around the parlor. Honey! Why did you suddenly go quiet, she asked, but he ignored her. Mrs. Truman was already scared, she didn't know what to expect. 

One hour later, Jersey's phone rang, and he picked the call, Yes! Knock, and come inside, he said to the person on the other side of the phone. 

Few seconds later, they heard a knock at the door, Babe! Please get the door, Jersey said to his wife. Mirabel stood up, and went to the get the door, when she opened the door, she saw a man standing beside Mercy, immediately Mrs. Truman saw Mercy holding her grandson, Jerry, my grandson, Mrs. Truman rushed to carry him, but Jersey stopped her. Mom! Jerry is not my son or your grandson, he said, you see that man standing beside Mercy, his name is Henry, Jerry's father, Jersey said, and all of them were shocked, how do you mean? Mirabel asked, He is not my son, that sperm belongs to Henry, not me, Jersey said, Mercy was surprised, how did it happened? I was there, Mrs. Truman said, Mom! You thought you were smart, I knew a day would come when you will force me to bring my sperm, so, I had to act fast, Jersey said. How did it happen, Mirabel asked, I told my friend about mom's decision, and he advised me to get a sperm from another hospital, and that was when I meet Henry, I told him, and he agreed on the terms that I start up a good business for him which I did. Mom! you remember when I arrived late at Green hill hospital that day, he asked, yes son, Mrs. Truman said, I went to collect the sperm, and you remember when the doctor went out to answer his call, Jersey asked, yes, I remember son, Mrs. Truman said, good, that was when I switched the bottle, the caps were different, so I had to change the caps to avoid been caught, but you didn't notice, he said. But the doctor wrote your name on it, Mrs. Truman was still talking when Jersey interrupted her, Mom! Am not that stupid, I already wrote my name on the bottle I brought,  he said. I also arranged Henry's meeting with Mercy, I knew everything that was happening, Mom! I have been watching you from a distance, Jersey said, Mom! I love my wife so much, do you think I will allow another woman to bare my child, Jersey said, Mrs. Truman bursted into tears, son am so sorry, Mrs. Truman pleaded, I waited for Desire for long, I can also wait for my wife to bare me another child, Jersey said, Son, am sorry I thought Mirabel was the wrong one for you, but I was wrong, forgive me, Mrs. Truman cried out, Mom you treated my wife, and your granddaughter like they were nothing to you, I wanted to make you go through pains, Jersey was still talking when suddenly Mirabel fainted, and she was quickly rushed to the hospital.

Thirty minutes later, the doctor came out. What is wrong with my wife? Jersey asked, sir your wife have been going through too much stress, and it's not good for her, and the baby, the doctor said, Baby! Is my wife pregnant? Jersey asked, Yes! You didn't know? the doctor asked, yes, but thank you doctor, can I see her now, Jersey asked in excitement, yes, the doctor replied, and left. 

Jersey quickly rushed inside the ward, Babe, I love you so much, Jersey said, What happened? What am I doing here? Where is Desire? What happened with Mercy, and her son, Mirabel asked as she was about to sit up, shhh, it's OK love, Henry already left with his son, and Mercy, and Desire is with mom, she is sleeping, Jersey said, With Mom? I want my daughter now, Mirabel said as she struggled to stand up, Relax babe, I don't want you to hurt our baby, Jersey said smiling, A baby? Mirabel asked as she touched her tummy, yes! You are pregnant, we are having another baby soon, Jersey said to his wife, thank you God, am pregnant again, she said with joy,  thank you for not leaving me aside, she said, I can't do that to you, and our daughter, Jersey said, then he planted a kiss on her lips.

That evening, Jersey went to his mom's place. Hope all is well with my daughter, Mrs. Truman asked, Jersey let out a laugh, your daughter? He asked, yes, Mrs. Truman replied, okay, mom, she is pregnant, and where is Desire, I want to take her home, Jersey  said, please son, let me go with you, I want to apologize to her, Mrs. Truman said, Not today, then he went upstairs, carried Desire, and they left. Mrs. Truman was left in tears, thank you, Lord, but please forgive me, now I know better, she prayed.

One week later, Mirabel had already been discharged from the hospital. Jersey was preparing breakfast for his pregnant wife when he heard a knock at the door, he quickly went to open the door, Mom! What are you doing here this early morning? he said, Son, am here to see Mirabel, Mrs. Truman said, Mom, she is still sleeping, they were still talking when Mirabel walked downstairs, Mom! What are you doing here? Are you here to insult my unborn child again, Mirabel said, No, please my daughter, am sorry, now I know better, Mrs. Truman pleaded as tears dropped from her eyes, Mom! I even pray for my wife to give birth to a girl, I love girl child, Jersey said, My son, I don't care if it's a girl or boy, I will love them, please give me another chance, let me be that mother, and mother-in-law to you Mirabel, Mrs. Truman pleaded. Jersey, and Mirabel were moved by her apology, and they forgave her. Son, go prepare for work, let me cook for my daughter-in-law, Mrs. Truman said, and they were all surprised. Mrs. Truman began to dote on her daughter-in-law, and grand daughter so much that Jersey began to feel jealous. 

Nine months later, Mirabel was in labor, and was rushed to the hospital. Soon the doctor arrived, congratulations! Mr. Jersey your wife just delivered to twins, they are both boys, the doctor said smiling, Boys! I now have a son, he joyfully said, and quickly called his mom. Mom! She gave birth to twins, they are boys, he screamed out, thank God, Mrs. Truman said. Jersey went to see his wife who was lying weak, Honey! it's a boy, Mirabel said as she smiled, Baby I know, you did it again, he said, No honey, we did it, thank you for staying by me, Mirabel said, and Jersey planted a kiss on her forehead. 

One week later, it was time for the christening of the two boys. Mrs. Truman decided to give a speech. Thank you my daughter-in-law, I know we didn't start our relationship in the best way, but thank you for loving my son despite all the things I did to you. Now I know not everyone in the entertainment industry are bad, so, I have decided to let you go back to your job, you still have the shape, and fitness, I believe in you, you can do it, you are indeed different from the rest, she said, and everyone gave her an applaud. They were all happy, and they lived happily ever after. Never judge a book by its cover. Girl, and Boy child are important, do not prefer one to the other, because if you do, you will end up regretting. The End. 

   By Esther alex 
Thank you for staying tuned till the end, Love you all 😘.

Note: If you are interested in the story that just went on sale "Unforeseen Love", Dm privately to purchase.

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