Story time :A True love episode 1

A true love 

A True  Love
Episode 1
The sweetest thing about love is being loved by someone that you love, because that is what makes the heart grows fonder. In the life of Tamara revise was the case. Relax as I take, you down the Memory Lane. Tamara is a very hardworking young woman, She is so beautiful that any man she comes cross must ask her out, but she always turned them down because of the love she has for her man called, "Donald.” Tamara and Donald met at their place of work, and they had been going out for two years, she loves him so much that she always prays to God to make Donald her husband. They so much love each other that they always display their love at their place of work, and it became obvious to everyone in the office. 

Tamara, and Donald always spend time together after work. “Tamara how I wish Donald will propose to you now” Rita said to Tamara, “My friend, I have been praying for that, and I will be the happiest girl on earth if that happens” Tarama said smiling, “But my friend you are so lucky to have a guy as cute as Donald, and you both works in the same place” Rita said,  'Thank you my friend”, Tamara replied. 

Soon Donald was thinking of proposing to Tamara. “Its time” Donald told his friend Ben, “Time for what?” Ben asked  " To wife Tamara, I want to make her my wife” Donald said, “That's good man, you both suit each other”, Ben said as he shook Donald's hand, “So when are you proposing?” Ben asked, "Soon”, Donald said, “Yes wife her soon before someone goes before you”, Ben said, “okay, Thanks man,” Donald said as he shook Ben's hand. 

One month later, news began to go around at the office that Donald wants to propose to Tamara. During lunchtime, Rita quickly ran to meet Tamara, “Girl you are so lucky” Rita said, “How am I lucky?” Tamara asked in surprise, “I heard your Donald is going to propose to you", “Really?” Tamara asked, “Yes” Rita said, “hmm I will be so happy, Tamara said blushing, "so you didn't hear anything" Rita asked, "Not really" Tamara replied, “You have to ask him” Rita said, “Come-on girl, you know I can't” Tamara said, “Yes!you are right, but haven't you noticed anything about him lately” Rita asked, “How do you mean?” Tamara asked, “Didn't you notice any box containing ring at his house?” Rita asked, Rita? “I can't go snooping around na” Tamara said, but I will ask him about the ongoing rumors, Tamara said, " OKay" Rita replied. 

That night, Tamara went to visit Donald in his house. “Hey babes”, She greeted, “Welcome babe, right on time, let's eat” Donald said, “OK, but first can you help me get airtime” Tamara said, “How much airtime do you need, I can do phone transfer to you” Donald said, “No, but thanks babes, it's for my mom”, Tamara said, " I can still transfer to her “, Donald said, “No, I want you to get me airtime from any store outside” Tamara said, “It's getting late already”, Donald said, “You can drive” Tamara said, “Really?” Donald said in shock, “Thanks” Tamara said and planted a kiss on his lips, “OK love,” Donald said, and he went outside to get the airtime for Tamara. “Yes! Let me see if I will find something like a ring”, She said to herself as she ran upstairs to check his cupboards, but she couldn't find anything. “All for nothing, I have to ask him”, Tamara said as she sat down patiently waiting for Donald to return. 

Thirty minutes later, Donald arrived home with the airtime. “Hey you go baby” Donald said as he handed the airtime over to Tamara, “Thank you babes” Tamara said, “Please can I ask you something?”, Tamara asked, “Yes” Donald replied, “OK, it's about that rumor” Tamara was still talking when Donald interrupted her, “Baby you will find out soon” he said, “How?" Tamara asked, “Let's eat now,” Donald said, and he lead her to the dinning. 

The next day, Tamara arrived at her work place, but when she entered the company, the place was quiet. “What is happening and where is everyone? She said to herself, Where is Donald, and why is he late today? She said as she removed her phone from her bag to give Donald a call. She was about dialing his number when she saw her boss, “Good morning sir" Tamara greeted, “Morning Tamara" Her boss said, “Sir where is everyone?” Tamara asked, “Tamara come with me", He said, “OK sir,” She said as she went with him. He took her to the store room. 

Few minutes later, they arrived at the store room. “Go in”, her boss said, “OK Sir, " She said, opened the door, and walked in. “Congratulations!” She heard, “What are you all doing here?” She asked. Just then, Donald walked out from the crowd, holding a little box containing a ring. “Marry me Tamara” Donald said as he knelt down. Out of joy, Tamara screamed out, "Yes! Yes, I will marry you”, she said in excitement, and Donald slip the ring in her finger, and their colleagues were all happy. “Donald, see me in my office later, and congratulations to the both of you”, the manager said, and he left. Two hours later, Donald arrived at the manager's office. “Congratulations to you once more” The manager said, “Thank you sir,” Donald said, “Good, Next week, A lady will be transferred to this branch, and I want you to put her through”, the manager said, “Okay sir” Donald replied, and left the office. 

One week later, the new lady arrived. “This is April, our new employee, she will be working with us now”, The manager said to everyone, “Donald, like I said before, she will be working with you, so, you can coach her”, the manager finally said, " Okay sir" Donald said, and everyone looked at him...............

   By Esther alex 
see you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
stay tuned for next episode 

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