Story time : The Betrayal episode 2

The betrayal 

The Betrayal 
Episode 2
Becareful of whom you call your friend, not everyone are truly your friend and have your interest at hand. When Charlotte saw Mason she was surprised, "Babe what is wrong with you,?" She said, "baby am dying", he replied, "How?" she asked, "Please I want you now", he said, "I don't understand, you know am all yours", she said looking confused, "I need sex, let's make love, this urge is just too much", he said as he caressed her face, "Baby stop it, you promised me you won't do this again", she said, "Do you want me to die in this, am sexually aroused", he said, "Babe you won't die, okay?", She said, "Baby just this once Please, I can't help it, I really need this", he pleaded like his life depended on it, "No, sorry I can't do this," she said, as she stood up and left, Mason tried calling Charlotte back, but she ignored him. 

One hour later, Mason sexual urge calmed down, and he felt alright, but he was still angry with Charlotte. "I can't believe my girlfriend would do something like this to me, all efforts to make her have sex with me prove abortive, Why?", he said to himself. 

The next morning, Charlotte called Mason, but he refused answering. "Is he still mad at me? Am only trying to keep to my policy, Mason am really sorry, but I can't just do it", She muttered to herself. 

That day, Charlotte went to work, she was silent throughout. Evelyn became worried, "What is wrong with Charl again", Evelyn thought to herself. That day after work, Evelyn decided to go home with Charlotte. "Charl, I want us to go to you house so, you can explain to me what is really happening", Evelyn said, "Are you sure? We can talk here", Charlotte said, "Am sure, let's go over to your place, so we can talk about it properly", Evelyn insisted, "OKay, thank you, you are such a good friend", Charlotte said, and they left. 

Soon they arrived at Charlotte's house. They both rested for a few minutes, before Evelyn asked Charlotte what the problem was. Charlotte took a deep breath, then she narrated everything to Evelyn. "My friend, sex is important in a relationship, like I said before, you have nothing to lose, just give it to him since he is your boyfriend, it won't cost anything", Evelyn said, "My friend, I just can't do it, I know I truly love him but I still can't", Charlotte said, "Are you sure you truly love him because if you do, you will have that feeling, and be sexually attracted to him", Evelyn said, "I always control myself", Charlotte said. They were still talking when they heard a knock at the door. "Come in", Charlotte said, and Mason opened the door, and walked in. "Look who we have here, it's Mason", Evelyn happily said, "Hey!  Mason, it's been awhile", she said, "Yes, how have you been?", he asked, "Fine, you are welcome", Evelyn said. Mason was quiet for a while, "Am sorry, for what happened last night, and also for not taking your calls", Mason said, "But babe, you know I don't like it but yet you keep doing it", Charlotte said, "Am sorry, it won't happen again", Mason said, "Okay", Charlotte replied, and embraced Mason. "Wow, two love birds, I have to be on my way now", Evelyn said, as she stood up to leave, "Are you leaving because he came?", Charlotte asked, "No, I have to go now, so I will be able to get a cab", Evelyn said, "Since I was the reason you came here simply because you were looking out for me, and Mason was the cause, Babe, why don't you drop her off, you know it's night, and it's dangerous for a lady to walk down to the road all by herself", Charlotte said, "No, you don't have to, I can manage", Evelyn said, "It's alright, I will take you just to please my princess", Mason said, and they all laughed. "Baby I will be right back", Mason said to Charlotte, and he left with Evelyn. 

Mason, and Evelyn left Charlotte's house. Mason was driving, when Evelyn said to herself, "This handsome guy, and Charl is busy dolling herself, let me try my luck before some other lady take him away", Evelyn said to herself as she stylisly unbotton two of her buttons from her shirt. "Thank you, Mason", She said, "It's alright", he said as he looked at her, but at that moment, his eyes caught her breast. The moment he stared at her, his sexual urge aroused, and he looked away. Evelyn quickly noticed it, and she let out a cute smile. "So, where do I drop you?", he said as he took a turn to the left, "We are almost there, keep going forward", She said, "okay", Mason said as he looked at her again, and this time, his eyes caught with hers. "Sorry", he said as he let out a smile, "It's okay, Am always here to assist you", she said as she smiled. 

Soon Evelyn arrived at her destination. "I will stop here, that's my house", she said, pointing at a compound with a blue gate, "Okay", he said, "Thanks", she replied as she winked at him, and went off. 

Immediately she left, the thought of what happened flashed to his head, and his manhood was erect, and his urge for sex was stirred up. "God, I can't believe this just happened", he said to himself as he drove. 

He was driving when he noticed a file on his car seat. "What! She forgot her file, oh no, I should go give it to Charlotte to give Evelyn tomorrow", he said to himself.

After driving for a few seconds, another thought closed his mind. "What if this file was given to her for a purpose, I have to give it to her tonight" he said as he hit brake, and turned back to the direction towards Evelyn house. 

Soon he arrived at her home, he went straight to the gate, and knocked. After waiting for a few minutes, the gate was opened. When Evelyn saw Mason she was surprised, "You came back, so quick", she said as she smiled............

    Written by Esther alex 
See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode. 

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