Story time : The Betrayal Episode 3

The betrayal 

The Betrayal 
Episode 3
They say "A problem shared is half solved", but in the life of Charlotte, the more she shared her problem, the more Evelyn used it against her. So, therefore, becareful of whom you share your problem with. Evelyn was putting on a peach color night wear, which has a little opening at the front, exposing some part of her breast. "Hey, you came back, so quick", Evelyn said, "Yes, you forgot this", he said as he handed her the file in his hand, "Oh! Thank you, could you believe I didn't even remember until now", Evelyn said as she moved closer to him. Mason was about to say something when his eyes caught a glimpse of her breast, immediately is manhood was erect, and he became lost in thought. "Mason, thank you", Evelyn said again. Mason quickly regain his senses when he heard his name been called out, "Yes, sorry, thank you", he said in confusion, Evelyn let out a smile, "It's okay Mason, like I said before, am always here for you, and for what you did for me today, I will always be grateful", she said, "Okay, I have to go now", Mason said, "Alright", Evelyn said as she moved closer to him, and gave him a peck. 

Mason left Evelyn home, but his thoughts was still there. "God, why is Evelyn doing this to me", he said to himself as he drove. 

Soon, he arrived at Charlotte's house. "Babe, what took you so long?", she asked, "Evelyn left a file in my car, so, I had to drive back to return it", Mason said, "Am glad you did, that file is very important", Charlotte said. Mason, and Charlotte was talking, but his thoughts was still with Evelyn, and that stirred up his urge for sex, and he became quiet. Charlotte noticed Mason was lost in thought, so, she called for his attention. "Babe, Are you alright?", she asked, "Yes, I am", he said as he caressed her palm. He was about to ask her for sex, when he remembered he made a promise to her, "Baby, I have to go now, Good night", he said as he left in a hurry. "I don't think all is well with him, when he came here he was happy, and now he is moody" she thought to herself. 

The next day, Charlotte arrived at work,  and when she saw Evelyn, they smiled at each other, and exchange greetings. How people can be, they can be biting you at the back, but still pretend, and smile at you like every is fine. 

After work, Evelyn went to meet Charlotte. "Hey Charl, so tell me, how did it go?", She said, "What?", Charlotte asked, "You, and Mason, did you guys make love?", she asked, "No, but every other thing went well, then all of a sudden he became moody, and he left", Charlotte said, "Moody, and left, why?" Evelyn asked, "I really don't know", Charlotte said. Evelyn let out a smile, just a little more time, and he will finally become mine", She said to herself. "Don't worry, all will be fine", Evelyn said, "Okay, but what if I break my policy, and give him sex, I can't afford to loss him, I really love him", Charlotte said with a sad tone, "What! No, No, I know I used to advice you to give him sex, but please don't give him sex, he will get used to it, don't you want to keep your policy of no sex till marriage?", Evelyn asked. Not because she cared about Charlotte's, but she was doing it for her own self-interest. "Are you sure?", Charlotte asked, "Yes, I won't lead you astray", Evelyn said, "Thank you", Charlotte said, "Okay, but please will you go to Mason's house this evening?", Evelyn asked, "Yes, why?", Charlotte asked, "Nothing, I just want you to send my regards to him, and tell him I said Thank you, for returning the file", Evelyn said, "Why don't you come meet me later, so, we can go to his house together, then you can thank him yourself?", Charlotte said, "Are you sure?", Evelyn asked, "Yes, you are my friend", Charlotte said, and they left. 

Later that evening, Charlotte, and Evelyn went to visit Mason. Mason was surprised when he saw them. "Baby, you didn't tell me you will be coming with Evelyn", Mason said, "Yes, she wanted to thank you for the file", Charlotte said, "Oh, That's so thoughtful of you", Mason said, "Thank you, I have to get going now," Evelyn said, "Why not stay a little longer, you just got here", Mason said, " I have to go now", she said, and left. 

Immediately Evelyn left, Charlotte saw Evelyn's purse on the cushion. "Oh, no, Evelyn forgot her purse", Charlotte said feeling sad, "Don't worry, I will go give it to her after I dropped you off", Mason said, "Please do, now how will she pay the cab man?", Charlotte asked, "Don't worry, am sure she already figured a way out", Mason said. 

One hour later, Charlotte and Mason were done talking, Mason went to drop off Charlotte at her home, then he went to Evelyn's home to return her purse to her. 

When Mason knocked on the gate, a lady opened the gate. "Please where is Evelyn's flat?", Mason asked, "Over there", the lady said pointing at a flat by the left, "Thank you", he said, and left. 

Mason got to the flat by the left, and knocked at the door. After a few minutes,  Evelyn opened the door.  "Mason, you are here, thank you for the purse", she said, "Yes, here is your purse", Mason said as he handed the purse over to her, and was about to leave, but he stayed back. "Evelyn, can we?" Mason said, "Sure", Evelyn said as she smiled, and took him inside. 

Immediately they went inside, they quickly undressed, and had a good marathon sex. When they were done, Mason couldn't believe he just had sex with Evelyn. "What just happened now?", he said to himself..............

  Written by Esther alex 
See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode. 

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