story time : The betrayal Episode 5

The betrayal 

The Betrayal 
Episode 5(Second to last)
Nothing is ever hidden under the sun forever. Charlotte was shocked, "Evelyn why the rush, here is your phone", Charlotte said as she handed the phone over to Evelyn. Meanwhile, on the other end of the phone, Mason quickly ended the call when he heard what Evelyn said. "That was a close one", Mason said as he held his chest. Evelyn smiled when she noticed Mason has already ended. "Charl Sorry about that", Evelyn apologised to Charlotte, "It's okay, I guess that was the cute guy?", Charlotte said, "Who?", Evelyn asked, "The caller of course that name is private, hmmm", Charlotte said as she smiled, "Yes, he will get angry if another answers his call", Evelyn said, "It's okay, so go continue cooking the meal", Charlotte said, and Evelyn left to the kitchen. A few seconds later, Evelyn rushed back to the parlor, and carried her phone, "I will be needing this in case he calls back", Evelyn said to Charlotte, and Charlotte let out a smile. 

Immediately after Charlotte left, Evelyn quickly called Mason, and explained things to him. "OK, let's meet tonight at the Jacksonville hotel at 7pm because am so horny", he said, "Alright baby", Evelyn said, and they ended the call. 

Later that evening, Charlotte called Mason to inform him she will be coming to see, but he refused, telling her he was going out to meet some friends, and promised to make it up to her. Meanwhile, he wanted to go out with Evelyn. 

One week later, things has gone from bad to worse for Charlotte, and Mason,  he hardly calls her on phone, "I have to see Mason today", Charlotte said as she left her house, and went to Mason's home. When Mason saw her, he was surprised, "Why didn't you call before coming?", he said, "Nothing I just missed you", she said, "Okay", he said. Charlotte was quiet for a few seconds, "Baby, what is happening to us?", She asked, "How?", he asked, "Baby, we are not as close as we used to, and I can feel you are cheating on, me", she said as tears fell off her eyes, "Am not cheating on you, work has been the only thing taking my time, You know how much I love you?", he said, "Am not sure if you love me anymore, Baby is it about sex, if that's the problem, I can break that policy, and have sex with you now", She said as she cried, and tried to undress herself, but Mason stopped her. "You don't have to," he said, "I can do it if that's the only thing that can keep us together", she said, as she caressed him, but he wasn't moved by it, because he was no longer sexually attracted to her. Charlotte noticed he wasn't sexually attracted to her anymore, and that made her cry the more. Mason was moved by the what was happening. "Baby, trust me, am not cheating on you, and I won't do it", he said, "Babe are you sure?", She asked, "Am sure, am not cheating on you, I love you, and I promise I won't cheat", Mason said, Charlotte let of a sigh of relief, "Okay babe, I trust you, and I love you," she said, "I love you too", he said, and she kissed him on his lips. He was shocked, when he felt her kiss on his lips. They kissed for a few seconds until he told her to stop, because his conscience was pricking him. 

Two days later, things began to move smoothly for them again, and Charlotte became happy. Evelyn was surprised when she saw how happy Charlotte is. So, she decided to ask, "Charl, what's up, you look happy", Evelyn said, "Am just happy because things are getting back to normal between I, and Mason", Charlotte happily said, "Hmm, Are you sure, because you see these men, they are unpredictable", Evelyn said, "I trust Mason, he is not cheating on me, and could you believe I freely gave him my body, but he refused", Charlotte said, "I told you, he is going to get used to it, but you need to be careful", Evelyn said pretending to be happy for Charlotte. "I really like this guy, I know he is going out with my friend, but I don't care", Evelyn said to herself. 

A month later, Mason attitude changed towards Charlotte again, and this time, it made her cry. She couldn't hold it any longer, so, she decided to as Evelyn for help. "Please, I want you to talk to Mason, I don't know what happened, he is changed again", Charlotte said to Evelyn as she cried, "Me, Why?" Evelyn asked, "You are my friend, I know I can trust you on this" Charlotte said, "Me, but I thought you said he is not cheating on you," Evelyn said, "Yes, he is not", Charlotte replied, "Then why worry, maybe he is occupied with work, just calm down", Evelyn said, "Thank you, but please talk to him", Charlotte pleaded, "Alright, tomorrow, I will talk to him", Evelyn said. 

The next day, after work hour, Charlotte quickly reminded Evelyn of her promise to talk to Mason. Later that evening, Evelyn went to meet Mason. She was supposed to talk to him instead, she ended up having sex with him. What a friend!

The next day at work, Charlotte was praying for the working hours to be over, so, She could ask Evelyn how the discussion went. Immediately after work, Charlotte went to meet up with Evelyn. "So tell me, how did it go?", Charlotte asked, "It went well, Mason isn't cheating on you, and he assured me he is been occupied with work," Evelyn lied, "Really?", Charlotte asked, "Yes," Evelyn said, and Charlotte became happy, and she decided to visit him later in the evening. 

Later in the evening, Charlotte called, Mason's phone, but it was not reachable. "I have to see him", she thought to herself, and left her home. 

Soon, she arrived at Mason's house, but the place was locked, she tired calling his number, it rang, but he refused answering. "What is happening, I thought Evelyn already talked to him, I have to go ask her if she really did", Charlotte thought to herself, as she left, and took a cab to Evelyn's home. 

Immediately she got to Evelyn's home,  she knocked at the gate, a lady opened the gate, then she went to Evelyn's flat, knocked, but they was no response. Charlotte took her phone, and was about to call Evelyn, when she heard the door been unlocked from the inside, and the thing she heard was "Good night baby". "Wow, today am going to know who Evelyn's man is", She muttered to herself as she pushed the door. Lo, and behold, she saw Mason, and Evelyn standing, and kissing each other. "What! No," she screamed out.................. 

     Written by Esther alex 

See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

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