Story time : Founded love Episode 1

Founded Love 

Founded Love
Episode 1
Founded Love, a person you love in a romantic way, or have a intense feeling of deep affection who comes upon unexpectedly as if by accident. This folktale talks about two young people who fell in love, but was forced to break up their relationship with each other, but later found each other again in a unexpected way. Relax as I take, you down the Memory Lane of a guy called James. James is a very young guy, and hardworking guy. James came from a wealthy family, but he believes on hard work, and doesn't want to relie on his father's money. James is a concise communicator. James teaches in a foundation called Sunshine education foundation, it's a very popular foundation in the state, with a very high pay salary. James refused to go into his father's business, although he already learned things from his father's business, but after is Master's degree, he decided to teach, both of his parent were surprised about his choice of occupation, but they couldn't stop him since he has passion in it. When James got to the foundation, everything was going smooth, he stayed on a low profile, calm, and quiet, he hardly mingles with the teachers unless he has something of importance to tell someone, but everything changed when Bailey the new lady was employed. Bailey came from a wealthy home also, but her family is not as rich as James's family. When Bailey was employed, all the teachers welcomed her, including James. Immediately Bailey saw James she picked interest in him.  

One week after Bailey was employed, she became used to all the teachers except for James. James was always on his own, and quiet. "Is he always like that?", Bailey asked one of the teachers, "Who?", the teacher curiously asked, "Mist. James", Bailey said, "Hmmm,  he has always been like that, he hardly mingles, always minding his own business, I bet if he even has a girlfriend with such character", the teacher said, "Hmmm, that's interesting, I like him", Bailey unknownly said, "What did you just say?", the teacher asked again wanted to be sure of what she just heard, "Nothing, I just said that weird", Bailey lied, "Yes, I know, I thought you said you like him as beautiful as you are" the teacher said, just then, James walked passed them, and immediately Bailey saw him, she smiled, "Thank you", she said to the teacher, and ran after James. "Excuse me mist. James", she said, "Yes, how may I help you miss. Bailey?", he asked, "Mmm, I was just thinking if you can just put me through on how things work here", she said, "Am very busy now, maybe some other time, excuse me", he said, and left. Bailey was a bit disappointed, and happy, "I really like this guy, he is my taste, and type", she said to herself. 

The next day during break time, Bailey went to meet James in his office. "Hello", she said, "Hey Bailey", he said, "Please can you put me through something?", Bailey said, "Alright, show it to me", James said, and Bailey gave him the book in her hand. "It's something simple, let me show it to you", he said. Few minutes later, Bailey began to feel hungry, "Excuse me, Are you not hungry?", she asked, "No, am not, if you are hungry, we can stop", he said, "No, No, am not, let's continue, I...was... just think maybe you are hungry", she said as she held her tummy still feeling hungry. Bailey plan, was to have lunch with James, but it didn't work. Bailey was praying deep down in her for the break to be over, and luckily for her the breaktime was over. "Oh... how I wish this break will continue", she said in pretence, "Alright, we can do it some other time", he said. Bailey let out a smile, "Yes, some other time, thanks", she said, and left his office in a hurry. "What a guy, he doesn't feel hungry at all, that's good for him", she muttered to herself as she went to the cafeteria to get snacks.

The next day, during break time, Bailey ate before going to James office. When she arrived, she was quiet until the break was over, and she went to her class. 

One month later, Bailey was beginning to get closer to James, she always goes to his office for some assistance in any subject she finds difficult. One day, during break time, Bailey went to his office earlier than before, when she entered she saw James eating, and she became surprised. "James, I thought you never eat," she said as she smiled, "I always eat", he said, "Thank God I started to eat too before coming to your office", she said as she smiled, "No wonder you stopped asking me if I wasn't hungry" James said, as he let out a laugh. That was the first time Bailey ever saw James laugh, "You laughed beautifully", she compliment, "Thank you", he said and let out a gentle smile. 

Six months later, James, and Bailey had sudden become, so close that they had began to fall in love with each other. The other teachers could notice the closeness with the two." This Bailey must be having some kind of supernatural powers", one of the teachers gossiped, "Why did you say so", another asked, "It's not up to a year she came here now look how close she had become with that weird James", the first said, "yes, you are right, Mist. James that hardly mingle with anyone no matter how hard you try", the second said, "I pray Bailey don't go out with that guy, he is too poor for her standard", the first said, and they laugh. 

Bailey was already so much in love with James, and she was expecting him to ask her out, but he didn't. "Why is he not trying to woo me, I really like him, I have to tell him secretly", she thought to herself. 

The next day, Bailey hurrily went to work, when she arrived James has not resumed to work. "I have to try my luck", she said to herself as she dropped a piece of paper on his desk, and walked out. 

James arrived, and saw a piece of paper on his table. "What is this" he said to himself as he opened it, he saw the written sentence "I really like you, from Bailey", he let out a smile, and threw the paper in the waste bin. 

Later that day, Bailey went to meet him as usual, she was expecting him to say something, but he didn't. Bailey felt disappointed, "Maybe he is shy, let me give him more days", she said to herself. "Can you invite me to your house?", Bailey asked, "My house, no," he said, and Bailey became sad. 

One month later, Bailey didn't get any questions from him, she became angry. During break time, Bailey went to James office, and when he saw Bailey, he let out a smile, "Let's have lunch at the cafeteria", James said, Bailey smiled, "Alright, let's go", she said, thinking James was about to say something to her. They both arrived at the cafeteria, picked their meal, and went to eat. The two started eating, while Bailey kept her heart open expecting James to say something, but he didn't. Soon they finished eating, "Let's go now", he said, and they both left. Bailey was feeling disappointed as she walked to the staff room. 

Bailey's heart became restless, "No, I can't continue like this", she said to herself as she checked her wrist watch and saw the break has ten more minutes to be over, she stood up, and went to James's office. 

When she arrived, he was surprised to her. "You left something here?", he asked, "It's now or never", she said to herself.  "James, Am inlove with you, I love you", she said.............

    Written by Esther alex 
Note: A New story coming out on sale soon, so get ready!!!!!!

See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘

Kindly like and follow the facebook page below @Esther alex, and on facebook @Eneada Esther Ogaba. 


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