Story time : Founded love episode 4

Founded Love 

Founded Love 
Episode 4
It's hurts when someone you love, and cherish so much suddenly asked for a breakup, it's devastating, and heartbreaking. James wasn't sure of what he heard, so he repeated, "Breakup! Is anything wrong?", he asked, "Yes break up, am really sorry", Bailey said, "I still don't understand you, why are you asking for a breakup?", he asked, "I just can't continue", she said, "Is it your mom?", he asked, "No, am sorry, I have to go now", she said and stood up to leave but James stopped her. "Remember what I said to you, I love too much, you made me love you, and now that things are about to go well, you suddenly changed, and asked for a breakup", he said, "I know, and am very sorry", she apologized, "Do you think you can just come in and out of someone's heart the way you want, if you walk out of his place, forget you ever know or met me", he said, and she walked away with tears in her eyes. James felt like he was dreaming, he never believed she could do something like that to him. 

 Bailey got home early that day, her mom was surprised, "Welcome Bailey, you are home early", her mom said, but she ignored her and went inside her room, "What wrong with her, and why is she home early?", her mom thought to herself. When Bailey entered her room, she locked the door and started crying, "Oh James, am so sorry, I didn't mean for things to happen this way", she cried, "Did I do the right thing?", she asked herself over, and over again. 

When it was dinner time, her younger sister went to call her, "Big sister, it dinner time, let's eat", her younger sister said from the door, but she heard no reply, all she could hear was the sound of someone crying, so, she quickly rush to tell her mom. "Mom, mom, I think big sister is crying", Bailey's younger sister said, "Crying?", Bailey's mom asked, "Yes mom, I could hear it from the door", Bailey's younger sister said, "why?", her mom asked, "How am I supposed to know mom", Bailey's younger sister replied, "Bailey crying?" Bailey's mom said again as she stood up from the dinning table to go meet her daughter. She was about reaching Bailey's room when something crossed her mind then she paused, "I think she might have broken up with that teacher, good girl", Bailey's mom said to herself as she turned, and went back to the dinning. When Bailey's younger sister saw her mom, she quickly asked of her big sister, "Mom, why is she crying, what happened?", Bailey's younger sister asked, "I think she left that teacher", her mom replied.  Bailey's younger sister began to feel bad, "I shouldn't have said anything the day big brother James came here, now look at what I have done, it's all my fault," she thought to herself. "Bailey will get over it, so let's eat", her mom said, and they both started eating. 

While James on the other hand was feeling bittered, he felt heartbroken, "Why did this just happened?", he asked himself. 

The next day at the foundation, Bailey avoided James like a plague, she didn't go to his office as usual, she hardly have eye contact with him. 

Three days later, James, and Bailey's break up became obvious to everyone.  Although no one had an idea if they were dating, but they knew something was wrong somewhere. "These past few days, Bailey has not gone to see James, hope all is well with them?" one of the teachers gossiped, "You are right, I hardly see them together", another said, "Am happy oh, I hate seeing her together with that weirdo", another said. 

Two weeks later, the two wasn't still talking, James began to feel absurd, he couldn't still get bailey out of his mind, so, he felt there was only one way of ending the heartache, which is by quitting his teaching job at the foundation. Taking that decision was hard for him, but he had to do it. James send his notice letter of resignation to the foundation management. "I just have to do this, I think is time for me to find my life elsewhere", he said to himself. When the management saw his resignation letter, they tried to make him change up his mind, but his mind was already up, "Just don't let anyone know am leaving, please keep it a secret", he said. James has been working in that foundation for long, so no one ever expect or believe he could leave someday. 

Bailey never knew what was happening, she was still so much in love with James, but tried to cover up her feelings. 

A day before James was to resign, after work hour, he went to the staff room to check if he would see Bailey but was told she had gone home already, he tried calling her number, but it was not reachable. Fate was not on his side that day. 

The next day, when Bailey resumed work, at the assembly she saw a new teacher, "A new teacher!", she said to herself, She couldn't find James at the assembly hall, but she wasn't bothered because most times he will be so busy that he won't attend the morning assembly. After the assembly, she was passing by a classroom when she heard some students discuss, "I really missed mist. James, he is such a nice, and quiet person", one of the students said, "Yes, he shouldn't have left the foundation ", another student said. Bailey became confused, "James, I have to go, see him now, I don't believe", she said to herself. 

During break time, she went to his office, knocked on the door, "Come in", she heard someone said, and she went in, but to her greatest surprise, she saw the new teacher sitting on James chair. "How may I help you?", the young man asked, "Am here to see a friend of mine, but it looks like I entered the wrong office, you know all this office look alike", she said as she smiled, and slowly walked backward, "Alright", the young man said, "Thank you", she said, and left. 

Bailey still didn't want to believe James left the foundation, "I don't think he has left, otherwise the management would have announced it", she thought to herself as she walked back to the staff room. 

When she got to the door of the staff room, she was about to push it open when she heard her colleagues gossiped, "So James could ever leave this foundation, so, he could resign from here", one of the teachers said, Bailey couldn't wait to hear another word, she wanted to be so sure, so, she pushed the door opened, "James, no longer work here?", she asked................

  Written by Esther alex 
See you all @6pm later😘
Thanks for all for the birthday wishes, am grateful, I really appreciate it, God bless you all😘.


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