Story time : Founded Love episode 6

Founded Love 

Founded Love
Episode 6(Second to last)
Somethings happen for a good reason, and sometimes, we meet people, so they can help push us closer to our destiny. "Can I sit here?", Ian asked, "Sure, I don't own this place", she said, "Thank you", Ian said as he sat down, "You look pretty", Ian Compliment, "Thank you", she said as she sipped her coffee. "Do you come here often?", he said, "Yes, why?", she asked, "Nothing, I kinda like you", Ian said. Bailey became angry deep down in her, "Ian, thanks for keeping me company, I have to go now", she said, as she stood up, "Alright, but can I drop you off?", he asked. Bailey looked at him, "No thanks, I can manage", she said, "OK, can I at least have your contact?", he asked, "No", she replied, and walked away. 

While James on the other hand, has moved on already, but he still wasn't ready to love another. At some point, he misses her, and wished nothing ever spoiled their relationship together each time he remince on the good moments they both shared together. 

One week later, Bailey was still yet to come out with what she wanted to do with her life. She wasn't working, and her mom wasn't happy with it. One evening, Bailey was watching movie in the sitting room when her mom went to her, "Bailey, you are a grown woman, you don't have a job, or should I say you don't want a job, you don't even have a man in your life, and since your breakup with that mist. James, your life has been scattered", her mom said, "Mom, I will get a good job soon", Bailey replied, "You better get a job, or work at your dad's company, or else you will be leaving this house, I can't have a full-grown woman living in my house, and not doing anything", her mom said, and left. Bailey became angry, left the house, and went straight to the coffee shop. Five minutes after she arrived, and sat down, she saw lan smiling at her from another table. "What is this guy doing here again, I don't want any headaches", she said to herself. "Hello Bailey!", Ian greeted, Bailey let out a fake smile, "Ian, how are you?", She said, "Am fine, am glad to see you", he said, "That's nice", she replied, "Yes, I have been coming to this coffee shop since the day I met you, thank God you showed up today", she said, Bailey giggled, "Alright", she said, "so why do you always come here?", he asked, "How do you mean?", she asked back, "okay, let me put it straight, I always come here to take coffee, and relax my head after the busy day at the office", he said, "But you just said you always come here because of me", Bailey said, "Yes, and that, sorry I forgot", he said, and they both laughed. "So, tell me why do you always come here?", he asked, "Hmm, to cool my head whenever am angry, and sometimes think about the future", she said, "Are you angry now, or you came here to think about the future?", he asked, "The both", she replied. "Where do you work?", he asked, "I used to work at the Sunshine education foundation", Bailey said, "You used to, I know that foundation, it's pays are high, so why did you quit or were you sacked?", lan asked, "No, no, it's a long story", Bailey replied, "So, what are you doing now?", he asked, "That's why I came here, to think of a better plan on what to do next", she replied. "So, where do you also work?", Bailey asked, "I work in an oil company, as an assistant manager", he replied, "Wow... that's good", she said, "Yes, I know", he said. "So, are you in a relationship?", he asked, "It's a long story, as a matter of fact that was the reason I left the foundation", she said as tears fell off her eyes, "Am so sorry, he broke your heart", he said, "No, he didn't, I was the one who broke his heart, now I misses him, and also regret why I broke up with him, the worst part now is that I can't reach him,", she said, "Wow, this is the first time, I have heard a lady admit she broke a guy's heart, but sorry", he said, "Thank you ", she replied, and let out a smile, "But don't worry, I will let you know when there is any space in the company where I work", he said, "So, I have to wait for months", she said, "No, I heard the company will be employing new staffs next month, that is if you can wait", he said, "Yes I can, thank you", she said,. Bailey didn't tell him anything about her background, or that she got a space in her father's company but refused going. "Okay can I have your contact now?", he said, "My contact?", she asked, "Yes, so, I can call you when there is a space in our company, and also for coffee", he said, and they both laughed.

When Bailey got home that night, her mood has lightened up, "He is going to be a good friend", she thought to herself. 

One week later, Ian, and Bailey has started going out, but as friends, the two became close friends. Ian was beginning to fall in love with Bailey, but he was afraid of telling her. One day, Bailey was feeling sick, so, she couldn't go out that day to meet up with Ian. Ian was so worried when she told him, "Send me your address, so I can come, and see you", he said, and she sent him the address. 

One hour later, Ian arrived at the address, he was shocked when he saw  the big building, he wanted to be sure if she sent him the right address, so, he called her again, "Am at the Banana avenue at compound 12", he said, "Good, knock at the gate and come in", she said from the other side of the phone, "Okay", he replied, and ended the call. "She told me, she don't have a job, so how can she be living in a house like this", he thought to himself as he drove inside. 

When Ian got inside, he was welcomed. "Welcome sir", Bailey's younger sister greeted, "Thank you, good evening ma", Ian said to Bailey's mom. "Ian, meet my mom", Bailey said sitting down on the cushion, "Good evening ma", Ian greeted again, "Welcome son, what can we offer you?", Bailey's mom asked, "Nothing, am good", he replied, "Alright, I will leave you two alone", she said, and left. "So, how are you feeling?", Ian asked, "Better", she replied, "Alright, here, I got you some fruits", he said, "Thank you," she replied with a smile. "You didn't tell me you stay with your mom", he said, "Yes, just my mom, and younger sister," she replied, "Where is your dad?", Ian asked, "He got married to another", she replied, "Your family is wealthy so why do you need a job" he asked, "So how was your day at work?", She said as she quickly changed the subject, "Good", he replied staring at Bailey. "Why are you staring at me like that", Bailey asked, "Bailey, I think am in love with you", he said, Bailey let out a smile, "Don't worry, we will talk about it some other time", she said. When Ian was done, he left.

Bailey's mom was very happy, "I like that young man, he suits you", her mom said, "That was why you gave him the treatment you never gave James", Bailey said, and went inside, her room. 

One week later, Bailey was well again, and she went out with Ian. Ian confessed his love to her again, but Bailey wasn't interested or ready for any relationship, "But, I will think about it", she said to lan.

One evening, Ian called Bailey, "I have good news for you, there is a vacancy at our company, but not in this state, but the interview will be online", he said to her, "That's just what I need right now, I need to change locations, I will take the chance", she said, "Alright, I will send you the website ", he said, "Thank you,", she said, and ended the call. 

Luckily for Bailey, she got the job,  and was making preparations to travel. Ian helped her look for a good house, at a very good neighborhood, although she was the one that took care of the rent. The night before she travelled, she, and Ian meet up. "How about what I said to you?", he asked, "I will give you an answer soon", Bailey replied, "But thank you for this", she said, and Ian drew her closer and kisses her on the forehead. 

That night, when Bailey got home, they thought of Ian ran through her mind, "He is such a nice guy, I think it's time I open my heart to love another", she thought to herself. 

The next day, she travelled, when she arrived, she went to her new home. When Bailey arrived at her new home, the place was a flat but not as big as her family house, it was the smallest house in that environment. The next day, she resumed work at her new office. 

One week later, Bailey was beginning to feel lonely, "Let me check my neighbors in the next building, let them know we are neighbors, so, we can always look out for each other", she said to herself as she went to the next compound. Bailey went to the compound, knock at the gate, a security guard opened the gate, "Please can I see the people that live here?", Bailey said to the guard, "Who are you?", the guard asked, "Am the new neighbors at the next building", she said, "Oh, you are the lady that just moved in?", he said, "Yes", she replied, "Okay, let me inform my boss", the guard said as he make a call.
A Few minutes later, he said to her, "come in", and lead her to the door of the building.

Bailey took a deep sigh, and knocked at the door, few seconds later, a handsome young man opened the door, "How may I help you?", he said, she was shocked when she saw it was no other person than James. "Bailey!", he said, "You!", She screamed out.......... 

 Written by Esther alex 
Note: A New Story coming out on sale soon, so get ready!!! 

See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

Kindly like and follow the facebook page below to see previous episodes @ Esther alex, and on facebook @ Eneada Esther Ogaba. 


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