Story time : Founded Love last episode 7
Founded Love
Founded Love
Last episode 7
Fate has its own way of bringing things together. What's meant for you can never get lost, it might take time for you to find it, but eventually, it shall be found. What a small world, Bailey didn't want to believe her eyes, "James, Are you really the one?", she asked, "Bailey, what are you doing here, and how did you find me?", he asked, "James, why did you have to leave?", she said, "What are you doing here?", he asked again, "I just moved into the next compound, I only came here to introduce myself to the owner of this house, and here you are standing as the owner", she said in surprise, "Okay, welcome to this neighborhood", he said, and was about to go back inside when Bailey called him back, "James, Am so happy to see you", she said. James stared at her for a few seconds then he replied, "Alright", and was about to leave again when Bailey said to him, "Am so sorry, please forgive me, I have really missed you", she said as tears fell off her eyes, "Okay", he replied, "I know you are still pained, and won't forgive me, but I have my reasons for asking for a breakup", she said, "I can't do this now, maybe some other time", he said, went inside, and locked his door. Bailey didn't know what to do, she left, and walked back home.
When James went inside, his heart began to beat, he didn't know if he should go back outside to meet her, but when the thought of what she did to him crossed his mind, he became angry, and hated her. While Bailey on the other hand was thinking on How to get back James because she can't afford to lose him again.
The next day, she dress, and left for work. Bailey was at work when her phone began to ring, she checked, and saw it was Ian, "Hello lan, how are you?", She said as she picked the call, "Am fine, Am on leave, so, I will be coming to your place tomorrow", Ian said, Bailey became scared, "Tomorrow?", she asked, "Yes, are you scared?", he asked, "No, not really, you can come tomorrow", she said, and ended the call. Bailey was scared Ian's visit was going to spoil her chances in getting back James.
Later that night, James was having a rethink if he should go see Bailey, and listen to her reasons, "Yes, I will go see her tomorrow evening", he said to himself.
The next day, in the evening, Ian arrived at Bailey's home. Although she wasn't comfortable with his visit, but she had to compose herself. "So, which hotel are you staying?", she asked, Ian smiled, "I will be staying here", he asked, Bailey was shocked, "What!", she screamed out, "Hey, calm down, I was just kidding, I already checked in a hotel," he said, "That's good", she replied. They were still talking when they heard a knock at the door. "You already have a friend here, that's good," Ian said to Bailey as she left to get the door.
When Bailey opened the door, she was surprised when she saw James, "James, welcome to my house", she said in surprise, "Hey!", James said, "Come in", Bailey said smiling. When James walked in, he saw Ian sitting on the cushion, "It look like you have a visitor", James said, "No, no, I was about leaving now", Ian said looking at Bailey who was so happy to see James. "No, you can stay, I only came here to know how she's doing, I can see she's good", James said, and left.
When James left, Bailey became angry, but she didn't let it show. Ian could understand Bailey wasn't happy with his stay, so, he left. Immediately Ian left, Bailey quickly dressed up, and left for James's home. James was already on his way out but, Bailey was lucky enough to catch him at the gate. "James", she called out, "Bailey, what are you doing here?", James asked, "I want us to talk", she said, James was speechless for a few seconds, "Alright hop in let's go someplace, and talk", James said, opened the door, for her to hop in.
Few minutes later, they arrived at a nice coffee shop. "You still love coffee Uhn", Bailey said, and James let out a gentle smile. "You moved on already, that's good", James said, "No, he is just a friend", Bailey replied. "So, what do you want us to talk about?", James asked, "James, am sorry I requested for a breakup, but I had my reasons", Bailey said, "You had your reasons, reasons that suit you", James said, "No, it was my mom, she said, she was going to make your life miserable if I continue to go out with you, and also, she doesn't want you for me because you look poor", Bailey said, "And you didn't bother to tell me, thank God I now have a good job", James said, "Where do you work now?", she asked, "I own a textile company," James said, "Really, that's good, but how were you able to achieve that in such a short time?", Bailey asked, "I have been in the business while in the foundation", James replied, "That's good," she said, "So, why did you leave the foundation?", James asked, "You, when you left, my life became miserable in that foundation, so, I had to leave", she said, "Okay", he said, "James I missed you, and I want you want", Bailey said, "When I see u I hate you, when I don't see u, I miss u", James said, and Bailey was moved by that statement, "Am so sorry, let's start all over again, and this time I don't care weather my mom call you poor", Bailey said, James let out a smile. If only they knew who is parent is, I bet Bailey's mom will quickly approve their relationship. James took a deep sigh, "Look I fell head over heels for you, how am I sure you won't hurt me again" he said, "I promise", she replied, and he planted a kiss on her lips.
That night, when Bailey got home, she was very happy, she has reunited with the love of her life, she was at the moon in her thought of James when her phone began to ring, she checked, and saw it was Ian, she refused answering the call.
One week later, Ian went to visit Bailey without informing her. When he arrived, she was surprised to see him, "Ian, you didn't inform me you were coming", Bailey said, "Yes, I will be going back tomorrow, so am here for you to give me the answers to what I asked for", Ian said, Bailey took a deep sigh, "Ian, I appreciate all you've done for me, you were really a God sent, your coming to my life, took me to the right place", Bailey said, "How do you mean?", Ian asked in a confused tone, "Okay, My boyfriend who I broke up with is here, we are reunite, the guy that came to my house the other day, is my boyfriend, and I still love him that was why I had to go back to me", she said, Ian smiled faintly, "Am glad you both are back together, and am happy for you", he said, "Thanks for your understanding", Bailey said, and gave him a hug.
Two months later, James had decided to go see Bailey's mom. "Love, I want to go to see your mom", James said, "My mom, are you sure?", Bailey asked, "Don't worry love, when we get back from your mom's place, I will take you to see my parent", he said, and Bailey became happy.
Two days later, James, and Bailey arrived at her family house. Bailey's mom was surprised when she saw them both together, "Bailey, don't tell me you went to look for this poor man?", her mom asked, "Mom, fate brought us together", Bailey replied, and her mom became angry, "So, you left Ian for this man, I won't let you marry this poor teacher, who doesn't have a name", her mom said, and James became furious. He was already fed up with the way Bailey's mom treat him, "Am James Walter, Harry Walter's son," James said, and Bailey, and her mom became shocked, "Baby, you don't have to say things to impress my mom", Bailey said, "You can't be his son", Bailey mom said, James let out a laugh, "Am his son, Am the first heir to Harry Walter's wealth", James said, and Bailey's mom broke down, "Am so sorry for treating you bad" Bailey's mom said, but James ignored her, knelt down, brought out a ring, "Love, will you marry me?", he asked, Bailey shouted in excitement, "Yes, yes, I will marry you", she said, and he slipped the ring into her finger, and they kissed affectionately. Bailey's mom, and younger sister was very happy.
Three days later, James, and Bailey travelled back, immediately they arrived, he drove Bailey down to his family house, when she arrived, she was welcomed, and was treated well. "Indeed this family is very rich, I never saw this coming", Bailey said to herself, as she smiled.
One month later, James, and Bailey had a grand wedding, alot of people were invited including Ian, Bailey's mom, and younger sister were very happy, and James, and Bailey lived happily.
What's yours will always come back to you, but be wise enough to value it, because when you lost it, you might sometime never find it again. Also, never judge a book by its cover. Not everyone you push away because they ask you out, you can be friends with them, because you never know why they came to your life, maybe to push you closer to your destiny. The End.
Written by Esther alex
Note: A New Story coming out on sale next week, so get prepared because it's going to be an interesting one, you don't want to miss out!!!!!
Thank you all for staying tuned till the end. Love you all 😘
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