Story time : When love isn't enough episode 4

When love isn't enough 

When Love Isn't Enough 
Episode 4
Have you ever thought that you could love someone enough to make everything work? I didn't want to believe what I just heard from Williams mouth. "You are joking right?" I said, "Am very serious", he said, I became speechless not knowing what to say, "Baby, just do as I said", he said, then he kissed my lips, and left.  When Williams left, I broke down, "I have been waiting for something like this, now that it's here, you just want me to push it away", I muttered to myself. 

That night, we didn't make love, he tried cheering me up, but yet was still in the mood, I kept thinking why he wants me to reject the offer, I kept thinking until I finally slept off. 

The next day, we were having breakfast, when he saw I was still angry, he cleared his throat, and I looked at him. "Baby, just do it for our sake", he said, then I looked at him, "What sake?", I asked, "Baby, aren't you planning on owning your own, so that's what we should be planning", he said, and I let of a smile, "You should have just said, so", I replied, "So, reject the offer", he said, "Alright", I said as I took a deep sigh. 

When I arrived at work, I went straight to my boss, and told he I won't be accepting his offer, he was surprised, "Mrs. Scarlet why?" he said, "Nothing", I replied, "Is it because you are now married?", he asked, "Hmmm, something like that", I replied, "You don't have any kid now, and when you eventually do, we can adjust the time for you", he said. "What a convincing offer", I thought to myself. "Am sorry Sir, I can't", I said, but deep down in me, I felt bittered for an opportunity, but since Williams was going to help establish mine, I calmed myself down. "Okay, but in case you change your mind", he said, and I let out a smile, and left. 

Later that day, I decided to go visit Derek, since, it's been long we spoke after my wedding. When I arrived at his house, I knocked at the door. When he opened the door and saw I was the one, he was so happy, "Scarlett, Scarlett, No Mrs. Scarlett Williams", he teased me, and I let out a smile. "It just been few months, I saw you but it feels like ages", Derek said, "Yes, how have you been?", I asked, "Am fine, I can see you are good, so how is your husband, how is Williams?", he asked, "He is fine", I replied, "Okay, mhen....I heard your boss is opening another art gallery, will you be transferred there?", he asked, "No," I replied. Derek gave me a confused look, "Why, You've worked with them for long, your boss should appreciate you", he said, looking angry,  "Derek, he did, he wants me to be his new manager", I said, "Wow that's good news, at least you can learn how to manage the place so when you finally own yours, you would find it difficult", he said, "Yes, I know, but I didn't accept it," I said, "Why, That's like stepping stone for you to achieve yours", he said curiously, "Williams refused, he wanted me to use that time in planning on owning mine", I said smiled, "Hmm, Williams, hmm " Derek said, "What?", I asked, "Nothing, I hope you own yours someday", he said, "Yes," she said, "Okay, so when are you guys planning to have kids?", Derek asked, "Kids, I don't think am ready", I replied, "What about Williams, is he also not ready?", he asked, "Yes, since am not ready, I think he is also not ready", I replied, "But you told me before you both got married, Williams wanted a child immediately after marriage", he said again, "Can you just for that", I replied not wanting to talk about it. "Alright, I will", he replied, "Okay, I better get going before Williams get back from work, I have to prepare dinner ", I said as I checked my wrist watch, "Yes, you are right, you have to go and prepare dinner", he said, "Yes, can I get a hug, it's been long I hugged you", I said, and he laughed, and gave me a hug. 

I left Derek's house, and went home. When I got home, Williams was not yet back, so, I quickly prepared dinner, took my bath, and prepared the dinning waiting for him. I sat at the dinning waiting for Williams to return until I fell asleep. At around 10:o'clock, I woke up, and Williams was not yet back, I checked my phone, and I didn't miss any of his calls so, I became worried. "Why is he not back yet, God, I hope all is well?", I said to myself as I dialed his contact, but it was not reachable, I tried his number couple of times but still not reachable, so, I became more worried, and scared. 

I sat at the dinning waiting for Williams to return, I waited until I slept off. The next morning, I was surprised to wake up still at the dinning, "So, Williams didn't return home last night", I said to myself as I dialed his contact again, and this time, it rang, and he picked the call. "Hello babes, why didn't you come last night, where are you?", I said with anger, "Am so sorry, I travelled for a business", he replied, and I became more angry, "Williams you travelled without telling me?", I said, "Baby, I said am sorry, I wanted to call you, but I forgot", he said, "You forgot to call your own wife?", I said, "Not really, I thought, I was going to return home last night that was why I didn't call", he said. "You know I love you, am going to make it up to you", he said, and my anger calmed down, "It's alright," I replied, "I will be home tomorrow, and I will make you feel loved", he said, "Fine, I love you", I said, "I love you too", he said, and ended the call. 

The next day, Williams arrived home, I was so happy when I saw him at night. I happily served him dinner, when we were done eating, he took me straight to the bedroom, and we had sex. It was a wonderful feeling, "I love this man", I said to myself. 

One week later, I began to feel sick, first it was just cold, next I started feeling feverish, so, I told Williams to go to the clinic with me, but he refused, "I have an important thing to deal with, why not call Derek, he is your friend and will agree to go with you, I love you", Williams said, I became speechless, and left. 

I refused calling Derek because he would as me questions, and I wasn't ready for all that, so, I went all by myself. I got to the clinic, few test were carried out on me. A few minutes later, the doctor came out, and gave me a hand shake, "Congratulations MA, you are four weeks pregnant", I was shocked, "Four weeks pregnant?", I said............... 

  Written by Esther alex 
Note: A New Story coming out on sale soon, so get ready to secure your spot!!!!!

See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

Kindly like and follow the facebook page below to see previous episodes @Esther alex, and on facebook @Eneada Esther Ogaba. 


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