Story time : When love isn't enough episode 5

When love isn't enough 

When Love Isn't Enough 
Episode 5
Love means you have to be sacrificial. Love is all about sacrifices, but remember when you are making those sacrifices for the sake of love, you shouldn't feel bad about it. 

I was shocked when I got the news of been pregnant. "I wasn't ready to have a child yet," I said to myself as I collected the result from the doctor, and left, When I got to work, I couldn't concentrate on anything, I was moody, "This pregnancy was going to spoil things for me, How comes, I was so careful, why didn't it wait atleast for a year before coming, we are not up to a year old in this marriage now this, I have to achieve my dreams", I muttered to myself. I silently prayed for work hour to be over, so I could go home to think on what to do next. 

Immediately I closed from work, I went straight home. When I got home, I meet Williams already in the sitting room watching movie, "Hello babes", I greeted as I walked passed him, and went straight into the bedroom, "Baby, did you see a doctor?", I could heard him say as I walked passed him, but I ignored him. 

A few Seconds later, Williams came to the bedroom, "What happened, what did the doctor say?", he asked, I looked at him, "Am pregnant", I said. I could see the joy in his face when I told him the news, "Baby, that's good, I am going to be a father, we will be parents", he said, I became angry, "No, Am not ready for this", I said, "What! Don't think I will allow you to abort my unborn child", he said, "Baby, I just need a year to get my own art gallery, and you promised me that", I said, "Maybe you forgot what I told you before, I always want a child immediately after getting married", he said, "Baby, No, I also told you mine plans", I said as tears fell off my eyes, "Don't even think of it", he said, and left.  I was devastated, and began to cry, "Getting pregnant, and having a baby is a gift from God, but I just need to purse some part of my career," I said.

That night, Williams, and I went to bed without talking to each other, "What is happening, why can't he just let me have my way, at least I love him, that alone should be enough for him", I said to myself as I cried. 

The next morning, Williams and I greeted each other, I prepared breakfast, but I refused eating, and I left for work. When I arrived at work, I was still angry, and felt like talking to someone when the thought of Derek came to my head, so, I decided to call him, and asked if he was going to be home at Five, o'clock, and he agreed. 

At five o'clock, I went to Derek's place from work. When he saw me, he knew something was up. "Are you alright?", he asked, I couldn't hide it from him, so I told him everything. "I knew this from the start, you both talked about it, and you practically assumed he was going to agree with yours", Derek said, "I thought, he was going to cope as me", I said, "You thought, remember I asked you, but you refused answering", he said, "What should I do now?", I asked, "You just have to give in, you love him right?", he asked, "Yes, I do", I replied, "Good, love is about been sacrificial, you have to make that sacrifice now by giving birth to that child, that's the least you can do", he said. I became speechless, It pained me that I have to be the one to sacrifice something. "Okay, thank you ", I replied, "Good, you need to go home now, and rest", he said, and I stood up, "Thank you", I said, and left. 

When I got home, I saw Williams sitting at the sitting room, "Good evening babes", I greeted, "Where are you coming from?", he asked, "Am coming from Derek's house", I replied, "Hmmm", he said, "Am sorry, I have agreed to keep the pregnancy", I said, and he let out a cute smile, "Baby, you will own your art gallery after you put to bed, it will be my gift to you", he said, "Seriously?", I asked, "Yes", Williams replied, and I became happy, and hugged him. I quickly prepared a delicious dinner, then we eat, and went to bed. 

Nine months later, I had put to bed of a bouncing baby girl, we were all happy. We were now parent, that made Williams more happy. 

One week later, we did the christening of the child, she was called Bella. I prayed everyday to God to make little Bella grow faster, so I could resumed work, I was becoming, bored at home, and need to start going out. Sometimes, Williams would go on a trip without telling me, whenever I tried complaining, he always gives me excuses. God so kind, little Bella grew faster than expected. Days became weeks, and weeks became months, and before I knew it, it was six months already. 

Six months later, I told Williams I wanted to resume back to work, but he refused telling me, I have to take care of the baby until she gets to a year, I had no option than to agree to it. 

A year, and one months later, I sent a mail to my boss telling him I was ready to resume work, he agreed, and told me I was free to resume Monday. I quickly arranged a nanny for my daughter. That night, I told Williams my plans to resume, and all he said was okay, and I thought he finally agreed. 

Monday finally came, I prepared breakfast, I bath my daughter, and took my bath. I had breakfast, and was dressed up with my daughter to leave when I told Williams, I was off to work, see you later, he was shocked, "You want to resume work?", he asked, "Yes, I told you already", I said, "I thought you were joking", he said, "No, I was not", I replied, then he laughed, "You better send them your resignation letter, you won't be working anymore", he said, and I screamed out, "What! No way"...........

    Written by Esther alex! 

See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

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