Story time : The cost episode 2

The cost

The Cost
Episode 2 
You can't just see someone who is beautiful and conclude they are also beautiful inside, and you suddenly see that someone as the right one for you. Reuben was surprised when Harry said he knew Vanessa. He wanted to be sure so he asked again, "Really?", Reuben said, and Harry let out a mockery laugh, "A-ha... I got you, I was just kidding, where will I possibly know her from, I don't know her, but this lady is really beautiful, you are sure lucky", Harry said, and Reuben let out a sigh of relief, "Harry you are mad oh, at first, I was beginning to think Vanessa was lying when she told me she schooled oversea, and moved to this place last month", Reuben said, "Wow.... That lady must come from a wealthy family," Harry said, "I don't know, but she looks like one from a wealthy family, although I didn't ask her", Reuben said, "Must you ask her everything, but really this lady is very pretty, go for her my guy, you are sure lucky", Harry said, "Yes, I know she is the one that I have been praying, and waiting for, and am sure she has a good heart", Reuben said, and Harry looked at him, "Guy, you are getting so emotional now, so stop it". Harry said, and Reuben smiled.

One week later, Vanessa went to the studio to take another shot. The more Reuben sees Vanessa, the more he becomes more obsessed with her. Reuben was scared to make a move on Vanessa, "No, I don't want to look so desperate in her eyes, I just have to wait a little before asking her out", Reuben muttered to himself. 

Two months later, because of Vanessa's visit to the studio once in every week, Reuben and Vanessa had become friends. 

One Tuesday, Vanessa had just finished taking her shots, and was about to leave the studio when Reuben stopped her, "Nessa, can I buy you lunch?", he asked as his voice trembled, "Thank you Reuben but, I have somewhere else to go", she replied, "Okay, no problem", Reuben said feeling disappointed. Vanessa took a deep sigh, and let out a charming smile, "But you can take me out for dinner if that's okay with you", Vanessa said. Reuben didn't believe what he just heard, so he wanted to be sure, "Nessa are you serious?", he asked, "Yes, I won't be free for lunch but I will be free to have dinner with you", she said, "Thank you very much, send me your address so I can come pick you up", he said, "Don't worry, I will come myself, just tell me the restaurant we are eating", she said, "Okay, I won't take you to a far place, let's meet at Rico restaurant, it not far from here", Reuben said, "Okay, 7pm will be okay, right?", Vanessa said, "Yes, time, 7pm, it's fine by me", he said as he stammered. "Thank you", Reuben said, and Vanessa smiled at him, and left.

Later at around 5pm, Reuben left his studio, and quickly went home to prepare for the his dinner date with Vanessa. He was so excited he was going to have dinner with Vanessa. He stayed at home watching his time until it get to 6:30pm, "I think I should go now, so, I can get a cool spot for us to sit, I don't want her to get there, and begin to wait for me", he muttered to himself as he stood up, and left. 

Soon Reuben arrived at the restaurant, when he got there, it was already 6:52pm when he checked his wrist watch. "Oh! yes, I beat the time, I have to just go in, look for a cool spot, sit, and wait for her to arrive", he said to himself as he smiled, and walked into the restaurant like a gentleman. 

Immediately he entered the restaurant, he was about to go have a seat, when a waiter went to meet him, "Excuse me sir, that lady over there ask me to call you", the waiter said pointing at Vanessa who was already seated down. When Reuben looked up and saw her, she waved at him, and he became shy, but let out a faint smile. "Oh! God, she came earlier before me, I should have left home 6:00pm", he muttered to himself as he walked to go meet her. 

"Sorry, for keeping you waiting", Reuben apologized, "No, you came at the exact time, I just decided to come here earlier" Vanessa said, and Reuben sat down. 

Reuben didn't couldn't say anything, he was just staring at her. "Reuben!...", Vanessa was still talking when Reuben interrupted her, "Nessa, you look so pretty", he complimented, "Thank you, and you look sweet too", she said, and Reuben let out a smile, "Thank you", Reuben said, "Okay, let's place orders", Vanessa said, and they called the waiter. "Sir, your wife looks so pretty", the waiter said, and they both looked at each other. "Thank you, just take our order", Reuben said, and they placed their orders. 

Soon, they were served and they both started eating. "Thank you for this dinner date, thank you", Vanessa said, "You are welcome, it's nothing", Reuben replied, and they continued eating. 

Thirty minutes later, they were done eating, and their tables were cleared. Reuben decided to take his chance, "Nessa, your boyfriend must be lucky, and happy to have someone like you", Reuben said, and Vanessa chuckled, "Boyfriend, I used to have one, but not anymore, we broke up", Vanessa said, "Why will a guy break up with someone as pretty as you are?", Reuben said, but deep down in him, he was already dancing in joy. Vanessa didn't say anything, she just let out a smile. Reuben took a deep breath, and held her hands, "Nessa, I have loved you since the day you walked into my office, and since then, till now, I still love you", Reuben said, and Vanessa smiled at him, "I know it's sudden but I really want you", he said, "Is that the reason you asked if I had a boyfriend?", Vanessa asked, "Yes, and am glad you dont", he replied, "Okay", Vanessa said. Reuben looked at her in the eyes, "Nessa, will you be mine, be my girlfriend", Reuben said.............. 

         Written by Esther alex 
See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

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