Story time : The cost episode 3

The cost

The Cost
Episode 3
When you love someone, you would really wants to spend the rest of your life with him/her. At that point, you would want to do anything to make them happy. Vanessa wasn't expecting it, but she was happy. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend", she said, and Reuben was very happy, "Thanks my love, I promise I will never break your heart or breakup with you like your ex boyfriend did, I will always love you till the end", Reuben said, and kissed her on the hand. 

When Reuben got home, he was so happy, so, he decided to call Harry to break the good news to him. Reuben tried calling Harry, but his number was switched off, "I guess I will talk to him tomorrow", Reuben said. That night, Reuben couldn't sleep, he couldn't believe the beautiful Vanessa would ever agree to be his girlfriend, he kept on remincing on how he got Vanessa to be his girlfriend. Reuben kept smiling until he fell asleep. The feeling of been in love is just so sweet. While Vanessa on the other hand, was happy, "Atleast he is quite rich, and kinda of my type, I like him", Vanessa said to herself. 

The next day, when Reuben arrived to the studio, he was looking so happy, and decided to treat all his workers, "Tell everyone I will buy them lunch", Reuben said to his secretary, "Sir, Did we win a big contract?", the secretary asked, "I won something more than that, so I will be buying everyone lunch, just pass the message across", Reuben said, and left. 

At around 12pm in the noon, Vanessa walked into the studio. The secretary, and other workers were surprised to see her because it wasn't Tuesday yet, "Miss, did you forget something yesterday?", the secretary asked, "No, is your boss in?", Vanessa asked, "Yes" the secretary replied, "Thank you", Vanessa said.

Ten minutes later, Reuben, and Vanessa came out of the office holding each others hands. Reuben remembered he promised his workers lunch, he brought out some money, and gave it to the secretary, "Here is the money for lunch, I will be right back", he said, "Okay sir", the secretary replied. A few seconds after Reuben walked out of the studio, few of the workers began to gossip, "Boss is lucky to have such a beautiful lady, she is just too nice," one said, "Yes, because of her, boss treats us lunch," another said, "Let's just share that lunch money among ourselves", another said to the secretary. 

Reuben couldn't get back to the studio, he called his secretary to take care of things at his absence. 

Later that evening, Reuben went out to meet up with Harry. "Guy, order anything I will pay", Reuben said in excitement, "Man, the last time you told me to order anything, Joy left you,  so, now hope no one has left you?", Harry said, "Really, I did that?", Reuben askwd, "Yes you did, but unknownly", Harry said, "Guy, forget that one, I asked Vanessa out, Guess what! she accepted, Nessa is now my girlfriend", Reuben said, "Wow, that's a good news, so when do I get to meet her?",Harry said, "I will bring her here next time", Reuben replied, "Okay, am happy for you man", Harry said. 

Things were going smooth for the two young lovebirds, Vanessa was now totally into Reuben, their relationship were growing stronger by the day. 

Three months finally came, and Vanessa was done with her contract with Reuben, she was now ready to go for her audition. "The audition will start tomorrow," Vanessa said, "Love, don't worry you will win this thing, but I want you to know one thing, weather you win or not, I will always be here for you", Reuben said. Vanessa took a deep sigh. "Don't worry, I will go there with you", Reuben said, "I will be happy if you do so", Vanessa said, and they both hugged each other. 

The next day, at 7am, Vanessa, and Reuben went to the audition centre, alot of beautiful ladies were at the centre. Soon it was Vanessa's turn, "Wish me luck", Vanessa said, "You don't need it, just go do your thing, I know you will win this", Reuben said and planted a kiss on her forehead. 

Soon, the audition came to an end, and everyone left. "Calm down, don't be scared, let's go out later this evening," Reuben said, "No, just take me home", Vanessa said, "Okay, so, when will the winner be annoced?", "Next week, it will be posted on their website," Vanessa replied, "Okay", Reuben said. 

Reuben was praying so hard for Vanessa to be the winner. 

One week later, in the evening, Reuben, and Vanessa went out to meet up with Harry while waiting for the winner to be annoced. 

An hour later, they were enjoying themselves when Vanessa received a call from a friend, "Nessa, check the site, the winner has been annoced", the lady said, "Okay, thanks", Vanessa said and ended the call. Vanessa quickly checked the site, but was shocked at what she saw. "No, no, my name is missing, it's not here", she said, and drew the attention of both Reuben and Harry. "Is that the result, let me see", Reuben said as he collected the cellphone from Vanessa. Reuben scrolled up, and down, but to his greatest surprise, Vanessa name was not there. "Am I not pretty enough, I look prettier than all those ladies", she said as tears fell off her eyes. "Calm down love, there must be a mixed up somewhere", Reuben said, "Vanessa calm down", Harry said, and Vanessa stood up, and left. "I have to go after her, see you tomorrow", Reuben said, and went after Vanessa.

When Reuben went outside, he saw Vanessa standing beside his car crying. "Let me take you home love", Reuben said, "Just take me to your house", Vanessa said, "Okay", Reuben replied, and they drove off to Reuben's home. 

When they got home, Reuben took Vanessa to the sitting room. Vanessa was still crying, and it was getting Reuben sad. "Love, I told you to stop crying already, am sorry you didn't win", Reuben said, "Baby, You know how much effort I put just to win that audition, it hurts", Vanessa said, "Yes I know, but don't worry, you will try again next time", Reuben said, "There won't be a next time, am done", she said, "No, don't worry, you will make it big someday", Reuben said, "I won't", she screamed out, "Okay, calm down, let's talk tomorrow, I will drive you home", Reuben said, "No, baby, I want to spend the night here", she said, "Here?", Reuben asked, "Yes, here baby", she said, and before Reuben could say anything, Vanessa kissed him on the lips. Soon, Reuben began to caress her, and at that point, they were already at cloud 9. 

The next day, Vanessa, and Reuben arrived at the studio together. "Don't worry, am here for you, you are still beautiful", Reuben said to her, and she let out a smile, "Thank you, am so lucky to have you", Vanessa replied, "Am so very lucky to have you too", Reuben said. 

Two weeks later, Reuben saw a form for an audition for modeling, he was so so glad. So, he quickly broke the news to Vanessa, but she refused to accept it. "Come on love, this might be your best chance", Reuben said, but She refused.

One month later, Vanessa was beginning to feel sick, and tired. She was also getting too grumpy. "I think am having a fever, l need to go see a doctor", she muttered to herself. 

Later that evening, she went to visit a doctor, a few test were carried out on her. Thirty minutes later, the doctor arrived, "Congratulations Ma. you are pregnant", the doctor said, "I am pregnant?", she asked in shock.............

   Written by Esther alex 

See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

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