Story time : In a short time episode 3

In a short time 

In A Short Time 
Episode 3
Most time in life, not everything you see, seems to be like the way you see it. It all matters on the perspective at which you view it. Pamela didn't want to believe her eyes when she Mackie with the unknown lady as they droved off. "Mackie, No, I trusted you, why did you have to cheat on me?", she said to herself as tears dropped off her eyes. Jude turned and saw her crying, "Pamela stop it, don't cry", Jude said, "So Mackie would ever cheat on me?" Pamela cried out as she hugged Jude, Jude smiled, and happily embraced her. "I don't know why some men can't just stay with their beautiful wife", Jude said as he tried to caress her in the taxi, Pamela quickly lose herself from Jude's arm, "I have to go home now, just take me home, driver take me back", she said to the taxi man, and he turned and droved her home. 

When Pamela got home, she was hoping to see Mackie at home, but he wasn't home yet, "I know he might has gone home with that bastard to keep her company," she said to herself as she sat down on the cushion. 

Ten minutes later, Mackie arrived home, "Hey, I know you have missed me already, sorry I took long time outside", he said, as he tried to peck her, but she hissed, stood up, and was about to walk away but Mackie stopped her. "Hey, Hey, come on, I already apologized", he said, But Pamela didn't say a word. "Baby, come on", he said as he pecked her on the cheek, but she looked at him, "Are you done?", She asked. Mackie was surprised by the sudden change of attitude. "Is anything the matter, what's eating you up?", he asked, "Nothing", she replied, "I only went out for an hour, and now you are angry", he said, "Am tired, I want to sleep now", she said, and he let go of her, and she walked away. 

Pamela should have solved the issue when Mackie asked her if anything what wrong, but she kept quiet, if only she had asked him for an explanation, but she didn't, because she was angry, and had already pictured what she saw. 

When Pamela left, Mackie still stood in shock, "I don't understand what just happened now, maybe she is tired, and need some rest", Mackie thought to himself, then he went inside the bedroom. 

That night, Mackie didn't try to make love to Pamela, because he didn't want to get her angry. Pamela lied  quietly waiting for Mackie to make move, but he didn't. "He didn't even try to make love to me so we can try have a baby, that bastard is pregnant for him already, why would he care", she thought to herself. 

The next morning, Pamela was still angry with Mackie, but she still served him breakfast. Soon they both started eating, the atmosphere was too quiet, and Mackie wasn't used to it. "She might still be angry with me, I think I have to apologize to her again", he thought to himself. "Am sorry for last night", he said, immediately she heard his apology, it ignited the anger inside her. "You are sorry for last night, thank God you still remember what you did last night, cheater", she said and hissed. Mackie became more confused when he heard the word cheater. "I don't understand?", he said, "Why would you understand, that's what you men are good at, denying, when you are been caught all you do is deny," she said, "Wait, you are getting me more confused", Mackie said, Pamela just stared at him for few seconds then she stood, "Keep on denying", she said, and walked away. 

Mackie became sad, he knew he haven't offended her in any way, and now she is calling him a cheater, he couldn't eat anymore, so he dropped his spoon, stood up from the dinning, and left for work. 

Later that evening, Pamela was home alone when Jude came to pay her a visit. She wasn't happy to see him, but she let him in. "Why are you here, or have you come to tell me you saw Mackie with another lady again?", Pamela said, "I came to know how you are doing, I know it hurts to be cheated on", Jude said, and Pamela took a deep sigh, "I just don't understand, he keeps acting like he don't know what am saying", Pamela said, "Men are like that, once they feel you know they are cheating, they deny, unless they are been caught at the spot red-handed", Jude said, "I don't know what to believe anymore", Pamela said, "Okay, where is he now?", Jude asked, "He is not yet back from work", Pamela replied, "Does he come home at this time?", Jude asked, "Yes,", Pamela replied, "I think he has gone to see the other lady", Jude said, "Are you sure?", Pamela asked, "Yes I am a man, and I know how we can be, just give me your contact so I can always reach you", Jude said, and Pamela give him her contact. They were still talking when Mackie walked in. Mackie was surprised to see Jude, "Hey, Jude, it's been long", Mackie said, "Yes, Mackie, I just came in now, and Pamela told me you were not yet back from work", Jude said, "Yes, you know my kind of job can make me come home late to my beautiful wife", Mackie said smiling, "I came last week but Pamela told me you were out of town", Jude said, and Mackie looked at Pamela, "Yes, I went on a short trip", Mackie replied, "Okay, I have to be on my way now, it's getting late," Jude said, "Are you running because I came in?", Mackie asked, "No, I have to go now, Pamela take care of yourself, and bye Mackie", Jude said, and left. 

Mackie went inside, changed his clothes, and went to meet Pamela in the sitting room, "Love, I want us to talk", Mackie said, "Talk about what?", Pamela asked, "Okay, I have something important to tell you, I have been wanting to tell you yesterday, but you weren't in the mood so I had to leave it till today", Mackie said. Pamela quickly remembered it was yesterday night she saw him with a lady, and now he wants to her something important. "So, you have come to tell me to leave your house so you can bring in that lady that is pregnant for you", she said, "It's time you stop all this your talks and listen to me", he said angrily, "I won't listen to you, cheater", she said, and left the sitting room. 

Patience is the key in life, most people finds it difficult to stay patient, where patient is required, be patient because you can gain alot just by been patient. 

That night, they both went to bed feeling angry at each other. 

Two days later, Since it was a Saturday, she was at home with Mackie in the sitting room when her phone began to ring, she checked, and saw it was an unknown number, so she answered the call, but this time she didn't put it on speaker, "Hello, who am I unto?," she asked, "Am jude", he replied, she quickly excused herself, "Jude!" she said..............

    Written by Esther alex 
See you all tomorrow at 6pm😘
Stay tuned for next episode 

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