Story time : The cost episode 3

The cost The Cost Episode 3 When you love someone, you would really wants to spend the rest of your life with him/her. At that point, you would want to do anything to make them happy. Vanessa wasn't expecting it, but she was happy. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend", she said, and Reuben was very happy, "Thanks my love, I promise I will never break your heart or breakup with you like your ex boyfriend did, I will always love you till the end", Reuben said, and kissed her on the hand. When Reuben got home, he was so happy, so, he decided to call Harry to break the good news to him. Reuben tried calling Harry, but his number was switched off, "I guess I will talk to him tomorrow", Reuben said. That night, Reuben couldn't sleep, he couldn't believe the beautiful Vanessa would ever agree to be his girlfriend, he kept on remincing on how he got Vanessa to be his girlfriend. Reuben kept smiling until he fell asleep. The feeling of been in love is just...