Story time : When love isn't enough last episode 7

When love isn't enough When Love Isn't Enough Last Episode 7 The right decision, is always hard to take. As much as you love them, and as much as you think they may love you, if they can meet your needs, and don’t want to meet them, then you are wasting your time, happiness, and wasting precious moments of your life. Where you don't fit in, you can never fit in no matter how hard you try. When the thought of Divorce came to my head, I knew it was the best thing to do. I had no intentions of telling Derek, because I knew he was going to talk me out of it. "Hope am not too fast," I muttered to myself. The next day, I wanted to discuss with Williams my plans to file for a divorce, so I waited for him to return home from work. Later in the evening, when Williams got back from work, we were having dinner, and the atmosphere were quiet, I took a deep sigh, then he looked at me, "That sigh is too deep", he said, that was my best chance to talk to him, ...